Monday, December 7, 2009

About 5 great personalities by Patriji

 Sri Sathya Sai Baba  - GOD MAN (can not make another god man) “3rd standard”

Mahatma Gandhi – MAN GOD (can make only good men) “B.A B.L”

Ramana Maharshi – GOD MASTER (one can see how a Master looks like – he is same here and on other side) one can just see!!! “2nd standard”

Osho – GOD LIFE (one who brought the concept of how God lives, knowledge without experience) “Philosophy”

Patriji (PSS)– GOD SCIENCE ( A scientist can produce same quality of the  product with unique procedure……..god science can make god science  ) “Science”


  1. No one did define what is god science and what is god man? Those who do not know the proper definitions have written these lines.

  2. sattiraju!!!
    Can u please`explain what you understood from those lines. Yes..Patriji is a scientist, a spiritual scientist and scientist is the who either invents or discover.

    Please remenber one thing in life..If you cannot understand something, better accept that you dont know, so that you have opened doors of oppurtunity to know about it. If you reject a statement like this immediately without proper understanding then it means you have closed the doors to know about it.

  3. I accept that what is mentioned in this article needs more explanation and proper text. If a new member reads the above lines, he/she may not understand completely. They are written just like skeletal structure containing keywords.

    I am Pyramid Master who is in this PSS movement for the past 12 years. Please refer website for more clarity.
