Monday, January 26, 2009

2012: DNA Upgrade

Video name:

I know that some of us can't open the youtube site in the offices, don't worry you can read the essence of this video summary below:

Everything in the universe is interconnected. In other words, our bodies are related to everything that corresponds to our physical senses. If you can see, smell, touch, hear or taste something, then that is related to your existence. We are connected to our planet as our planet is connected to our solar system. Our solar system is connected to our galaxy and our galaxy is connected to the universe. Its all one, living and breathing organism of life.

This shift isnt just a shift for mankind. Its a shift that involves every level of dimension as well as every planet in our solar system. If our solar system is heating up, then the frequencies of each planet within this solar system is rising in conjunction to the galactic shift.

The planets in our solar system are raising their vibrations right now. These planets are making preparations for the transformational shift to occur in the upcoming years culminating in 2012. This is proof that the shift is already happening.

What does that mean for us?

As the frequencies are rising, our anatomical structure is changing in accordance to this shift. Our DNA resonates with these gradual changes. Many people are discovering or rediscovering hidden abilities that they had when they were children, along with newly founded abilities, such as seeing auras in other people, telepathy or ESP. In the past, many people were afraid to talk about these abilities and suppressed them for fear of being ridiculed. Now, these abilities are becoming more prevalent to those in tune with the shift and people are outwardly expressing these abilities.

For those who are aware of whats happening, were all going through a DNA upgrade right now. If you look at the lineage of mankind, there is no gradual change found through out our lineage. The change was abrupt. This will also be the case in what were currently experiencing.

Through this DNA upgrade, our DNA will be fully utilized, including the all of the junk DNA that we arent currently using, which will unlock the mystery of why were here, who we were in previous lives and what our true spiritual potential is capable of accomplishing. For some people, this is already happening when they feel that sense of urgency or feel like its time to go home. Your DNA is giving you these messages.

People are ending dead end relationships in which their bodies can no longer tolerate a person of negative influence. These people are surrounding themselves with other positive like-minded people as they unknowingly prepare themselves for this transition.

Many will continue to follow the sheep mentality and will continue to ridicule others as they make this transition, only to find that theyll be left behind with no one to blame but themselves.

For those who are aware of the shift, enjoy it. Theres no better time to be alive than right now!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Shiva's occasion

A simple Story.

The heavens were eagerly waiting for the Party of the times.

The Thread ceremony of Ganesha.

All the gods were invited personally by Shiva for this great occasion.

However Shiva was skeptical and bothered to call Shani , The god of all tests. HE wanted to avoid Shani on this day.

On the day of the ceremony , all the gods came

Everybody was enjoying, Even Shani Maharaj Came.

Shiva was very particular not to meet eye to eye with Shani on that day

Lest the day become difficult with his gaze.

Shiva was hiding from Shani all the time moving behind pillars and other gods present.

Finally he decided and rested in the stomach of Nandi.

He felt better and sure that Shani will not be able to see him.

Once the occasion was over , Shiva came out with a lot of relief.

Shiva was happy to learn that everybody enjoyed the occasion.

Shiva met Shani the next day and told him that he escaped from his gaze on such important occasion.

Shani told Shiva , "Master where have you escaped my gaze. While everybody enjoyed the occasion with a free mind ,it was you who suffered and had to hide in Nandi's stomach all the while. You were carrying me with you in your mind all the time".

Moral of the story : We create our own reality. Its all in The Mind.

You are divine

Who am i? what am i? why am i? where am i?

Questions which every soul needs to know the answer. Did anyone experience speaking

to ur true self? Did anyone speak to the mother soul? who is this mother soul?

The divine power who created every soul u see n meet in this life time of experience.

Why did the mother soul created so many souls? To understand what n who?

May be the mother soul went on the slf search. In search of self the divine power

created so much n so many. If there are so many forms divided into two genders of the

divine power then what part is the single soul to the ultimate power.

All the meditators or the souls who developed or charged thier abilities n r able to postpone, create, heal, visualize n travel astrally situations through the matter n mind

created by the self ,experiencing the thoughts of the mind , then what would be the power of the divine.If the disturbances of the mind of a single soul is very huge for self than

what n how the divine power is managing so much of destruction n voilence created by itself through all the souls created by the divine self.

Had anyone thought why there r 2 genders created by the divine? To understand what?

IT is known that female gender for her receptivity, creation, quality of saving, surrenderness n strength of mind. And the male gender is known for protection, programming, strength of matter n capacity to control. Both these forms have come out

from one divine soul. We all have crossed the time to know that both have the qualities of eachother along with self. Every soul has the quality of the ultimate divine power but in a very minute quantity n hence the need to be aligned with the divine. Single finger though

with the strength in its own way cannot handle or create complete strength but whereas

all the fingers collectively will have the capacity to break a strong n hard stone.

Noone can deny this. Every soul is to be praised n at the same time every soul is to blamed. To be praised for what we are and to be blamed for what we are. All the souls of the divine power needs to realise n wakeup every moment without fail.

So many saints, philosophers, masters have given the knowlegde of alighning self with the divine power through so many techniques, starting from breath to mind n mind to matter n again matter to breath. Every techniques ultimate goal is to understand as an individual

n merge as a soul around every soul.

There are few who limited there knowledge only upto thier techniques n trying to spread the technique instead of knowledge.. Its time to realize that a soul is not in a search of a technique but in a search of thier own divine self. Every soul has the right n should follow all the methods until he feels his identity.Knowledge should not be limited to words but it is to be spread through the deeds .

It is said that give respect n take respect. what should an individual give or take. Give as a knowledge n take as a knowledge n u wil see respect follows automatically. No one is here to possess each other. The moment u r possessive there is the need to know that u r limiting self through the other. And by doing this we r loosing n at the same time forgetting

that we r beyond hold.

Our true hold is in the hands of the divine power through the tiny part of self.When the true self is charged then the vibrations of self with the divine is aligned.

Wake up souls, wake up ur matter, mind n align with ur true self. Meditate in whatever way u can, how ever way u can. Masters around us of all realms r waiting right within you.

Every master is divine, every technique is divine because YOU ARE DIVINE.

Heaven To Earth tv show

About the show:

Started in 1995, currently more than 230 episodes released and it is ongoing... . Every episode has an interview of one speaker. It is completely free show aired in many channels and all shows are available freely in youtube with the help of google.

"Bridging heaven to earth" is now (as of January 2009) shown in over 150 cities across the United States.

Their recent collaboration with Edge Media Television—Sky TV in the UK and Europe that airs Bridging every Sunday at 9:00 AM. See below in highlighted section for more information.

"Bridging" will begin to be aired very shortly in Miami, with discussions also presently underway to bring "Bridging" to Eastern Europe, Canada, Washington D.C., and Oakland.

"Bridging heaven to earth" objectives

1. To increase the video broadcast of "Bridging Heaven & Earth" on the Internet (as all the Audio is available on the Mind, Body, and Spirit Channel) to all shows.
2. To increase exposure of the "Bridging Heaven & Earth" television show to all major US cities.
3. To purchase a significant parcel of land that will be the home of The Bridging Heaven & Earth Retreat and Communications Center.
4. To develop the Center as a worldwide communications nucleus that will house publishing, radio, TV, and recording production and information for the Global New Age Community.
5. To offer retreat and workshop facilities to the Global New Age Community that will facilitate large group activities for many types of educational formats--all centered on the awareness of the "Oneness" of all life.
6. To establish none other than a sanctuary of peace, harmony, and awareness for all those who seek the way of Truth, Compassion, and Love.


youtube links:



Our Extraterrestrial Connections..


Our Extraterrestrial Connections:

There are many different groups of physical and non physical Extraterrestrial Groups assisting planet earth and the starseeds at this time. They represent other Galaxies, other dimensions as well as other aspects of time. Very often there are groups of different beings working together to help us such as with the Intergalactic Councils and with Ashtar Command.

The main groups that assist planet earth and the starseeds here are:

  • Sirians,
  • Pleiadians,
  • Ashtar Command
  • Arcturians.

All of these groups have deep connections with planet earth and this is why they regularly step forward to assist us.

Although individual starseeds may have origins outside these groups, these groups never the less represent some of the most useful helpers for starseeds on earth by virtue of their expertise with the human condition. It is possible to have guides from many different groups of Extraterrestrial Masters and this is quite normal. Each star system and Galaxy has its own energetic flavour and focus for consciousness. They each offer different skill and gifts to humanity.

The Arcturians are a group consciousness extraterrestrial race that are highly evolved and come from the Arcturus star system. They seek to help mankind and are known as masters healers. Their skills and knowledge in working with spiritual energies are immense.However they are capable of helping us with many different aspects of our multi-dimensional self such as with energetic purification, grounding, soul awareness and with working in energetic ways with our chakras and light bodies.

There are some starseed present here on earth whose origins lie with Arcturus or have had past life times there. These starseeds have deep memories of how it is to belong to a close group consciousness and find the experience of the illusion of separation as offered by the human condition, a painful one. Here on earth they unconsciously seek deep union with other beings that they once enjoyed within the Arcturian community.

Arcturus Is a fifth dimensional civilization, a prototype for our future earth. It is an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and re-birth, it functions as a way station for non physical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality. The Arcturians teach us that the most fundamental ingredient for living in a fifth dimension is LOVE. Arcturus is approx 36 light years from Earth and the Arcturian starships encircle the earth to monitor our progress and help us with our spiritual evolution. These beings are pure love, they have advanced knowledge and are of an extremely high vibrational frequency they often communicate with humans through telepathy, and they have some of the most advanced healing techniques available to us for healing. They can be called upon by anyone who so wishes for healing, they will take you to their healing capsules on their planet and work on your etheric, mental, emotional bodies if you ask for them to. They are very powerful healers. Their average life span is 350—400 earth years because there is no sickness at all on Arcturus.

The Sirians are another wonderful civilization of christed ETs. They are more advanced in the metaphysical sense as Sirius is one of the more advanced training centers or universities to which the Ascended Masters travel. Sirius has a direct link with our solar system and the Sirians have been amongst us since the time of the Mayan and Egyptian civilizations. They gave the Egyptians much advanced astronomical and medical information and also gave the Mayan race advanced knowledge. They helped the Earth during the time of the cataclysmic period in Atlantis.. Sirius is a star system which is a meeting place for Earth beings who wish to continue their spiritual studies The Sirians helped to build the Pyramids and temples of Egypt and they are involved with helping Earth into this new Golden age.

Sirius is not just two physical stars with some planets.. It is a way of being and a vast expanded consciousness. Sirius is within all dimensions both physical and non-physical. The Stars of Sirius are portals or gateways to these other dimensions. As such Sirius includes and represents many different levels of divinity. The Sirian Masters work with higher beings on a cosmic level as well as working with those on a physical level such as the humans.

A major theme of Sirius is to serve others and to assist them with their spiritual growth. Sirius is therefore a meeting place in this part of the Galaxy for all those who seek spiritual growth and a progression in their overall journey across all lifetimes. It is a place of teaching, healing and purification that is closely connected to the soul level. There are temples dedicated to these aims and many Sirians work with individuals from all over the Galaxy. The earth spiritual hierarchy of shambala is considered to act as a supporting role to the Masters of Sirius.
They wish to help anyone who seeks their help and especially the Starseeds who mostly already have a connection with them. They represent a group energy and consciousness which means that their focus is on oneness, co-operation and a shared and pure attunement to the highest levels of divine consciousness that they can.

Their influence can be traced back to other important times in history such as in ancient Egypt. Now that we have arrived at another Golden Age where consciousness is being raised, we will find their support more available as we are more able to connect to them and use their help.

There are groups of humanoids who come from a group of seven stars known collectively as the Pleiades. They are more evolved than mankind on earth and offer their support to us in terms of spiritual guidance. They have mastered these aspects whilst being in physical bodies and so have much practical guidance to pass onto mankind about how to operate from a multi-dimensional basis within a physical human body. Here they have recognised the shared social experience of God / Goddess within the appreciation of art, music and dancing as being a unifying focus.Indeed many starseeds currently come from the Pleiades and their missions are to bring these higher teachings here to earth. There have been many such waves of starseeds from the Pleiades throughout history. Strong connections have historically existed between the Pleiades and with North and Central American Indians and are illustrated within their art. Indeed like with the Sirians, there is a common belief that the Pleiadians have been partly responsible for seeding mankind here on earth and that we share our DNA with them.

The Pleiadians are more aware of the divine feminine or Goddess than mankind. They align themselves to the creative forces of the Goddess an work within the cycles of nature
. This has allowed them to become masters of agriculture as they work with nature spirits to co-create the wonderful fruits, flowers and vegetables. This is harmony with nature and the divine feminine energies and consciousness. This includes their use of water itself as a living consciousness. The Pleiadians are very knowledgeable about the effects of food and water on the physical body.

However within these perfected societies lie less opportunities to growth spiritually in new ways. This is because their consciousness has become more static and their life styles no longer offer new areas to explore.. As such some Pleiadians choose to incarnate here on earth in order to seek growth from new experiences and opportunities. As mankind is less evolved, then being human on earth offers a wider range of experiences and challenges as there is still much negativity here and therefore potential for learning and growth. The understanding of the integration of polarities is an example of this.

The Pleiadians are ET group of christed beings who come from a star cluster in the constellation Taurus, approx five hundred light years from Earth. They are one of the most advanced races in this galaxy in terms of music and dance. They subtly bring through music to those musicians who are spiritually attuned, which in turn raises the vibrations of all those who hear it. They are also helping to bring in great advancements in the use of light, holograms and laser technology. They were the first humanoid society to develop hyper space travel and claim that their technology surpasses ours by about 3000 years.

Ashtar Command:
The Ashtar Command are a group of volunteer beings that come from all over the Universe. Their mission is to bring spiritual teachings and protection to evolving planets. As they are a group of different types of beings they represent a Galactic / Universal focus and effort. There are physical and non physical members of the group with Lord Ashtar being their leader.

They have star ships upon which individuals serve in different capacities such as navigators, channels and spiritual “engineers”. The Ashtar command have a close relationship with planet earth and protect this planet from negative extraterrestrials. They are a well known group to humans and yet perhaps not so well known is the fact that some of these members are currently incarnated as humans. These starseeds form the group known as the “seeds of Ashtar”. This group will form a unified voice for the Ashtar Command and other extraterrestrial groups in enlightening the rest of mankind to the destiny of planet earth.. This is a group of mainly young and talented starseeds that will awaken to their starseed missions in a few years time. Their aim will be to educate mankind on how to become a functioning member of the Galactic federation and to work in peaceful and co-operative ways.

Our connection to Extraterrestrials is not as far fetched as some people believe, for there are indeed many other planets and Universes that have been created by God/ Source. To assume that the Earth and the human race is the only life that exists in this Universe is to be spiritually blind to the fact that God IS everything. There are millions of different life forms in the Universe alone, and some, in fact many are far more evolved than us.
This planet is evolving into the 5th dimension, but there are already planets that are at that stage and beyond in existence.

The Ashtar Command are one of the great protectors of the Earth, they serve as a military force in the spaces above the planet.
They are part of the unified Federation of Planets, whose term is used in many science fiction /space films but happens to be fact. Like in the films, the Ashtar Command are not allowed to infringe upon human freewill. Many of the Ashtar Command are masters themselves serving humans, the planet and us and they work alongside the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth and the other advanced civilizations in the solar system.

Some of us on Earth have had many lives as different Ets and have lived on many other planets. We have evolved through different civilizations and cultures in the higher realms of light. Those ones are known as starseeds. To be given the gift of incarnation here on Earth at this special time of Earth`s “golden Age of Aquarius” is indeed a blessing. For on this planet we have the opportunities to evolve and spiritually grow much more in this one lifetime than ever before on any other planet or in fact on Earth. This time of growth is unique to us as humans and to the planet.

From the very beginning of Earth’s evolution, there have been highly evolved ETs that have helped us with our development. We as a planet and as human beings have been guided and protected by these various ETs in our development into the fifth dimension of God’s reality. As humans have freewill, the ETs are not allowed to interfere with how we run the planet, but are allowed to help if we ask for their assistance. These ETs are of course what we call positive Ets who are christed. They are not however any thing to do with the negative ones that manipulate humans for their own selfish gains.

Many of these space brothers and sisters are also involved with healing on the planet.
They will work with us if we ask them to, particularly if you are a healer, you can invoke their energies into the healing session and they will assist all they can.


Get Back Up - Its not how you start, its how you finish

Ten Keys for Finding Happiness

Ten Keys for Finding Happiness

Use these Ten Keys for Finding Happiness in Your Life

1. Live on purpose. Joyful aliveness connects you with your purpose. Learn the skills you need to create happiness. Discover the activities and pursuits that make your heart sing! These engaging activities provide clues to your purpose and will assist you in finding happiness.

If you want to maintain desperation and unhappiness, then believe that life has no purpose.

2. Find Happiness right now. No other time exists for experiencing happiness. Only the present moment contains the spark of life!

You may also create misery by constantly wanting to speed ahead to some other time. Most people live their lives wanting to exist elsewhere and elsewhen.

3. Accept total responsibility for your life! You create your reality and your emotions. Your power and focus exceed your wildest dreams. See this short video about finding happiness through creating reality.

You can choose to blame and whine, pretending that your life situation came from without, rather than from within. As within, so without. Accept total responsibility for all.

4. Act in boldness. Take on challenges and pursue lofty goals. Overcoming difficulties and obstacles provide some of the most exquisite joys in life.

To create misery, play it totally safe. Never do anything scary or risky. Follow your fears and let them guide your actions. For happiness and joy - feel the fear, and do it anyway!

5. Expect happiness. Hope consists of a perfect expectation of desirable things to come. Picture desirable things to come. You choose what to think about, and what to visualize in your mind's eye! Imagine yourself finding happiness.

Despair consists of a perfect expectation of undesirable things to come. To increase despair, simply imagine in detail terrible things that may happen to you. The better your imagination, the deeper the despair. You get what you truly expect, so expect happiness.

6. Increase your awareness. Feel your emotions consciously. Identify your core beliefs. Constantly learn and grow from the inside. Your unhealthy attitudes, habits, and behaviors will start to drop away like fall leaves. Watch this quick video on identifying emotions.

To maintain apathy and misery, just remain unaware. Allow clarity to flee from you like a deer from a hunter. Remain in unconsciousness and cloudiness - afraid to explore your beliefs.

7. Build your connections. Our relationships give life meaning and happiness. All of us truly connect to one another in the inner world. Building connections in the physical world builds on this inner reality and helps us in finding happiness.

To create misery, simply separate yourself from others. Think that you exist as an independent entity, and other people merely drag you down. Insist on separateness and division. Deny the truth of connectedness and pursue unreality.

8. Learn and read daily. We grow in large measure due to the people we meet and the books we read. Did you read 52 books last year? Did you foster more friendships? We create happiness when we grow and increase our wisdom.

To prevent happiness, try not to meet any new people this year, and don't read any new books either. Simply stay just the same person with the exact same ideas. For optimal joy, go for optimal growth and learning!

9. Serve other people. Truly recognize other people as real people, with needs and wants just like your own. Think how you can bring a smile to someone, and then do it! Give increased life in every encounter. Service is a huge key for finding happiness in your life.

To create misery, ignore other people and totally concern yourself with your own needs. Don't think of other people as real.

10. Prioritize your actions. Know your goals and purposes, and put power and faith into every action. Do each action with focus and purpose, and know why you choose the activities you expend your energy on.

If you want to decrease joy, simply do as many things as you can each day. Never think of which tasks connect with your goals, simply busy yourself with work.
Enjoy the Ten Keys to Finding Happiness!

More and more Indians taking to spirituality..Article in Yahoo News.

Aritcle in Yahoo News:

Thu, Jan 22 10:20 AM

New Delhi, Jan 22 (IANS) An increasing number of Indians are moving away from conventional religion and embracing spirituality to overcome crisis situations, according to spiritual leader Sri Samadarshini.

'Spirituality alone can help at times of crisis. It is beyond religion. Circumstances are never under our control but spirituality helps you give yourself an opportunity amid crisis and come out of it,' Samadarshini told IANS on the sidelines of an event here. 'Therefore a number of people are actually moving away from conventional religion.'

She said that people from all walks of life were taking to spirituality to deal with recurring and serious problems in both personal and professional lives.

'Not just the corporate sector, people from all fields are now coming forward to learn about spirituality in order to learn how to handle stress,' said Samadarshini, who is director of the Chennai-based Oneness University. 'People keep dropping in our university over weekends and holidays to take short-term courses in order to do that.'

She said spirituality also helps in building strong relationships.

'Quite often we don't have enough courage to apologise,' she explained. 'At other times we keep waiting for another person who may have hurt us to say sorry, in the process losing a dear friend.

'Spirituality gives you the strength to take the first step. And if things don't work out, it helps you accept things as they are. A spiritual person is like a star fish which regenerates itself.'

Samadarshini said her university conducts free courses for tribals and villagers.

'One such course we did was for the youth in Maoist-affected areas of Andhra Pradesh. Initially they were hesitant, but after the first batch of 150, another 500 turned up for it.

'Frustrated with all the violence, they had loads of pent up feelings to let go of. At the end of the course, they all admitted that they felt more positive to start their lives with a new vigour,' she said.



We, The tree and Life

We & the Tree.

There is so much co-relation between us and the tree. One such analogy could be explained as thus.

We humans have seven major energy centers in the body. Namely:

  1. Mooladhara – excretory system – base of spine
  2. Swadishthana – reproductive – below the navel
  3. Manipura – Digestive - The navel
  4. Anahata – Respiratory - Heart
  5. Vishuddhi – Communication - Throat
  6. Agna - Intuition - The third eye
  7. Sahasrara - Cosmic connection –Top of the head

The seed can be compared to the mooladhara, the earth factor.

The root can be compared to the swadishthana, the water element responsible for the growth of the tree.

The trunk to the Manipura, the power center that would hold the tree.

The branches to the Anahata, compassionate an expanding wide.

The leaves to the vishuddhi making its sound of music while blowing.

The flower to the Agna , the indicator of the next coming and

The fruit to the sahasrara , The fruit , The source that will give the seed back to the earth

meditation tarot card

Please find a wonderful link-- pick a meditation tarot card ang get a
good message.

Ascention 2012 intro

A good thoughtful information about 2012 ascention, introduction can be found in the below link

By reading the report, one can obtain a good general understanding of the principles at work behind the year 2012 – and what it may mean to each one of us.

Explained about 2012 in many great people/researcher's perspective

Some important points in the above link are:

1. Edgar Cayce founder of ‘Association for Research and Enlightenment’ (A.R.E.) stated that "These changes did not have any implications to destroy the world, but instead it would announce the arrival of a totally new era, going through a spiritual shift."

2. Dolores Cannon a hypnotherapist comes with a good news.

In regards to specifically the Mayans, Dolores Cannon, in The Convoluted Universe Book Two (p653) writes: “They [The Mayans] stopped their calendar at 2012 because they could see this would be the time of the next major event: the shifting of the entire world into the next dimension”.

The information mentions that as we approach to shift to the New Earth, our bodies will need to adapt to a diet that has less heavy, or dense foods, possibly even approaching a completely liquid diet close to 2012.Occupants of the New Earth itself do not need to reincarnate, and will live forever in a physical dimension that is similar, but lighter to the present third. Additionally, we will be able to join a galactic community, and meet our friendly space-neighbors. This also means the discovery of new laws of science, and incredible new technologies available to everyone – unlimited sources of clean energy, space vehicles, teleportation devices, and perhaps even limited forms of time travel.

As a result of the upcoming shift, we are in a very important time. Extremely benevolent people from the stars are doing everything they can to help the largest number of people possible make the shift into the New Earth – without directly interfering with our affairs. Until the shift occurs, they will need to remain hidden, because the majority of our current civilization is not ready to see this truth.

3. and I found "What is the Montauk Project?" a very interesting topin in that link.
4. Will there be natural disasters during the Pole Shift?

The Earth that exists in the new state of conscious awareness will not see any major natural disasters. People who are ascending to a new vibrational rate will be focused on love, peace, and unity. People who are choosing to stay with the old energies may see the shift of Earth's axis and accompanying natural disasters. There is no right or wrong choice; it is an individual decision made according to that person's development. Everyone is learning. When a certain percentage of souls have ascended into the new state of consciousness, Earth will begin to make her physical progression.

