Beloved brothers and sisters of the Light,
This period you are going through, these months will play an important role to the ascension of Planet Earth for the transformation of the lower energies dominating on your planet.
It is a fact that the transformation has already began and you can already see this clearly. This time your planet is under a phase which you call planetary transformation.
While the planetary alignments with the constellations, other planets and satellites take place in your galaxy, all consciousness tends to unite with the Divine and makes its transition to higher light dimensions.
These alignments are very intense and prepare the human collective to receive and embrace the Christ consciousness, the new way of thinking, living and expressing.
Beloved ones, the task you undertook to accomplish is important. Your mission is to work with the new patterns in order to bring the changes you want to see and experience in your life. Many people have chosen to assist in this shift.
However, having all these happening on your planet as a natural consequence and preparation for the final alignment of 2012 and the transition of the planet to the 5th dimension, everything is about to change from the way you knew how things are till now.
Change is happening to everybody and all of you receive the effects of the new energies inflowing to the Earth. Mother Gaia has already commenced her ascension into the light, and so this inner alignment happens parallel to you.
This light procedure will bring and brings to the surface and to the forefront all these that do not reflect the divine Light and the Love that you are.
You have noticed that a lot of people and the society express indignation, an attitude that does not corresponds to your divinity. This is happening collectively in order to release the old and for the new to come.
As light workers and ambassadors of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Light you took the heartfelt promise from your soul to assist in the transition and the change of planet Earth.
In this period you need to unite as never before, all together, in order to support the collective and your individual mission and work you have come to do. It is important to realize this new view that you need to work with from now on. For changes to happen it is necessary your work with other people and groups of light workers.
The united efforts of light workers always bring positive and fast results with obvious changes to the earthly level also. While you work together for a common target, with focus, dedication and joy you can change the prevailing situation. Your integration in a group, in a community, works and activities that can create the new, it is essential.
The time of responsibility has come. The Spiritual Hierarchy calls forth all people who are willing to work and offer service for the planet and humanity. The Spiritual Hierarchy and our planet need people that realize how important it is to hold the mastery of their selves and put in action and manifest their mission with responsibility.
Beloved ones, how many benefactions have you received in your life? How many miracles and gifts have you received from the Spirit? The requital for every thank you for all the blessings in our life can be done with actions in our daily lives. We have forgotten that we are on a living planet that accommodates us. We have being called here to bring Love on this planet. To bring more light, to show a better example. To ground our spiritual luminous self on earth.
The turbulence happening on your planet, in your society and the world you live is due to the massive clearing taking place. Old patterns are being removed, agendas, prejudices and beliefs. The ground is getting cleansed and prepared for your New Self. From the view of your soul this is a joyous procedure because it comes closer to you, to become one with you and commune with you.
The only thing you have to do is to align even more. We told you many times that you are responsible for the reality you live. You are those who create it. So creation is directly connected with love, power and wisdom. You have learned many lessons through hundreds of incarnations and you know. It is time to put in action all these things you have learnt.
Indeed, there is nothing to separate you. All of you want a better world, happier, safer, a healthy environment to live, understanding, support. This is not what you want and desire? What priorities do you put in your life? What do you do for the growth of your selves and your fellow people? We understand that many times all these bring pain and difficulties.
This happens because some parts of you still hold on to settled ways of thinking and acting. Many people are afraid to make changes in their lives and to their selves because they don't know how they will be after this.. What might happen, if they will be liked by their social environment after their change, how they will be feeling and thinking. Others are afraid that if they change they will lose their self or their identity. That they won't be the same anymore and that they will be lost in the crowd or stay alone.
Beloved ones, the way of living and education that was predominating on planet Earth was leading people away from their essence, away from what they really are. It leads you to the outer appearances and the circumference. How can you lose your "self" when it never belonged to you?
We told you many times that you are not all these that you think you are. You are not your personality so if it changes, or if you leave something to really go, you don't change. Because you are not that.
The choice is yours, and everything can be so simple since you choose it to be. Acknowledge the truth in your heart and see your real Self, your essence. You have the power, the courage and the strength inside you and the Source is with you in your every effort and step towards the light. You make a step forward to the Light, and the Light makes two steps towards you.
The entire Hierarchy of the Masters and the Angels celebrates and delights in every union and contact with you. The Spirit co-creates with the Spirit every time our hearts open and in common we create miracles on Earth. Each time a heart awakens, every time a journey back home begins. We tell you that we are now very close. You feel us and we feel you. We are here! Call us!
The following summer alignments will open the fiery portals for the descension of the Spirit in a greater scale as never before. While we approach the portal of 2012 the energies of Love and the energies of the Angels will be more sensible on the planet.
The energies of happiness and freedom are available to all humans. You can experience them now in your field. Every human holds in their consciousness different energies and qualities. What do you choose to hold in your consciousness?
Loved ones, we give a call to every heart on the planet, to every living heart that acknowledges the Truth and the Light, to respond to the call. The entire Hierarch of the Light prepares the people of good will and with divine synchronicity brings the facts and the situations in your life and creates the miracles on Earth.
We call you to work with us and contribute with your will and your love to the actions of the light happening on your planet. One of the planetary range service vehicles that will be used this year is the 5th Spiritual Awakening Festival in Greece.
We have gathered and prepared the forces of the light for an inflow to the fields of the earth and humans like never before.
We are ready for serving the Light and we await your group call in order to pass over the veil and merge with you, in the Light.
From the kingdoms of illuminated truth,
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