Monday, March 15, 2010

............... about 2012.




There is an ocean of information in Internet about 2012.

Some major events occur in 2012.

Our Earth and our Solar system enter a new Energy field called the "Photon Belt".

Our Sun aligns with the Galactic Centre. This occurs once in thousands of years.

The magnetic poles of our earth will disappear for a brief period and re-appear at different places.

Our Earth may stop rotating for three days and nights. It may rotate in the opposite direction when it resumes rotation.

A solar flare may wipe out our satellites and all communication systems may collapse.

Unimaginable changes are expected in 2012.


Any preparation at the physical level would be inadequate. It is only the preparation at the Spiritual level that helps us sailing through 2012.

Preparation at the Spiritual level begins with the removal of all negativities within and in the world.

We have to receive and hold the new energies that are being channelled to this earth.

We have to change from these gross bodies to Light bodies.

By transforming ourselves, we can create new destinies for this beautiful earth.

We are not alone in this very testing times. The Hierarchy and other Light Masters are working hard to avoid or minimise the sufferings caused by the events mentioned above.

We can easily enter into contact with the Light Masters. We can get guided by their human counterparts.

We can meditate and sharpen our Intuition for guidance and help.


Beyond 2012

It cannot be specifically stated that life will be like this or like that after 2012. Everything depends on us and us alone. It depends on our Spiritual efforts.

We enter into the New Age where Love, Peace and Harmony are the natural conditions of existence of everyone and everything on this earth. There will be no place for non-love, violence and un-truth and those who hold on to these negativities will perish. That is why Transformation is of paramount importance.

Not many are aware of this and not many care about this now. This is sad. But changes cannot be stalled. They occur.

The Light Masters have created seven earths at the Astral level with seven different Spiritual conditions on these earths. Those who do not transform and perish will be taking birth on one of these seven earths depending on their Spiritual condition to go through learning experiences. When they transform, they will return to our earth.

Those who live here, will live in their Light bodies. They live on the energy directly received from the Sun.

The changes will continue till 2018. After 2018, we will be living in Light Age fully.


self mestery


, each and every moment you are creating the reality that you will experience in the coming days and years. Your empowerment and abilities to manifest are increasing exponentially regardless of what you think and believe. If you open your hearts to the transforming radiance that is pouring down on the Earth and humanity and allow the healing vibrations of Love/Light to infiltrate your mind, emotional nature, and physical vessel, you will make way for the miracles that are awaiting you; the joy, love, peace, good health, and prosperity that are your Divine Birthright. You, and you alone are creating your tomorrow


Meditation is a wonderful tool, to be, to look within your universe. You eminate a vibration, a tone that calls you back home to mastery of self.                    

Mastery is to love oneself and what is Right now, be calm in the storm, knowing that outer influences cannot choose for you, you choose with the love you have inside, the heart is All that is, trust your heart.
   To love is to surrender to the Higher self, let it flow through you, let it be one with you. What you resist persists.

Resist nothing. We want to change things outside of us, repair damaged structures, most do so with a sense of guilt. To change something it's important to change what's within, choose new higher thoughts, be grounded in the moment, trust that heaven will open up for you. You are here to trust, that's your mission. You are the signs of change.

Can you trust what is right now, that all is perfect, does it feel frightening to know that this moment you experience right now is filled with LOVE?  That you are a being of light that has forgotten that you can't die, that you are eternal. Do the collective thought patterns make you less free of choice? Go within, laugh and know your eternal heart in this moment.

Be bold and choose your own life, your own thoughts. The new Age is about being yourself 100%. Meditation helps you feel this inner feeling of connectedness and trust. The illusion is that all is happening to you without reason.  You create it and mold light from within, by heartfelt intent. Love can move mountains. It is truth.


What is Enlightenment? It is NOW! You have always been Divine and Truth. Your heart sparkles and wants you to open up to Love and Joy, because this is who you are. Have you forgotten...
Trust yourself, Be The ONE.

Let life be a meditation. Choose your thoughts wisely. Choose love, feel the heart. Dont resist your deep heart Desires, it's like a song, It is You. You know what you love. This is the easy way to heaven. Create heaven within, that's what we have to do, and then we will see heaven around us.


Be the change yourself. The LOVE is always inside you. But you Believe it not to be, so you "THINK" there is no way. But it is always there. You have to change your perspective of life. Dont feel BAD or NOT ENOUGH. You can start a new life. Be where you are and be aware of your old programmed negative thoughts that get you stuck. You must see this. You are eternally loved, You must know this, you are free to FORGIVE ALL WHAT YOU HAVE DONE and start a new life. NOW!

Dare to speak your truth, dare to speak of love, dare to Speak your hearts desires to every one you meet. It is a blessed Gift. You can change everyone you meet if your intent is LOVE and TRUTH. Know that truth is like shattering glass, it will make people  feel insecure and uncomfortable, but it is of LOVE. Behind the glass is FREEDOM.

There is beauty in everyone.

Now Relax and feel as much joy you are capable of. Be still and feel this calm joy to the best of your ability.

Now understand that you are this energy, this is were you came from. You are whole, you are divine, You can't be anything else than that.


10 Secrets to Raising Your Vibration

10 Secrets to Raising Your Vibration

1. Plant Seeds. The most fertile soil in the world is found in the human mind. Seeds are karmic substances: they have a potential and a destiny. If you wish to reap a different destiny in any area of your life, you need to plant new different seeds today. As you think so shall you be. 

2. Set Goals. If you are not working to achieve your own goals, you are working to achieve another's goals. Set goals which challenge your brain to think in new directions. Write down your goals with tremendous clarity and intensity. Goals backed by faith will get you there. 

3. Have Faith. Faith is the ability to have trust in powers greater than yourself, to stride into the unknown with confidence, and to believe in your own abilities-no matter what. The stronger your faith and clarity, the quicker you will set yourself into the Divine time flow where one is always in the perfect place at the perfect time. Get out on a limb; you will discover that is where all the fruit is! 


4. Guard Against the Negative. The opposite of faith is fear and doubt. Doubt stops the full expression of your life potential. Faith is the one power against which fear cannot stand. Be strong and fear not, for strength of deed and sincerity of character will prevail over all obstacles. 

5. Trust Your Intuition. Your intuition is the greatest tool you were given to help you navigate through this world. Trust it and use it. Nature will guide you towards growing and achieving the greatest levels of happiness if you simply tune in, listen to, and act upon your intuition.

6. Eat Sun Foods. We are what we eat. Eating plant foods transfers the vital Sun energy directly to you, undiminished. Raw plant food is truly the most perfect food for human consumption. A purification of the diet supports self-healing and radical whole-body rejuvenation. 

7. Breathe With Intention. For more vibrant and fresh energy, start breathing with greater awareness. By altering the intensity and frequency of your breath you can calm, cleanse, awaken and rejuvenate your mind and body. The more oxygen available to your cells, the more energy you have to accomplish your goals.

8. Move Your Body. Daily exercise and stretching are essential to excellent health. Moving your body circulates blood, moves lymph fluid, distributes nutrients, cleanses cells and strengthens your body's systems and structures. A physiology of vibrant health leads to an enhanced mental, emotional and spiritual states. Practice yoga,martial arts, dance, sports, or anything that keeps you moving!

9. Do What You Love. You are endowed with a unique gift. Turn what you have in your heart into something others can enjoy and you may use your rewards to live an abundant life spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially. Remember that wherever your heart is, there too you will find your treasures. 

10. Smile. The most attractive thing you can do is smile. Like the Sun, a smile brightens the entire day. Smiles are not just seen they are felt and have a profound and immediate effect. The vibration emitted by a smile is warm, friendly, inviting and best of all it is contagious.


The power of your thoughts, a gentle endearing smile, a confident stride, and a knowingness of your place in this world are all vibrations that define who you are. By raising your own vibration, you alter the vibration of others and the world around you. A great transformation in a single individual can alter the destiny of the human race. Now is always the best time to rise above, to make a difference, to profoundly change the world by starting with a few shifts within yourself.




Beloved brothers and sisters of the Light,

This period you are going through, these months will play an important role to the ascension of Planet Earth for the transformation of the lower energies dominating on your planet.

It is a fact that the transformation has already began and you can already see this clearly. This time your planet is under a phase which you call planetary transformation.

While the planetary alignments with the constellations, other planets and satellites take place in your galaxy, all consciousness tends to unite with the Divine and makes its transition to higher light dimensions.

These alignments are very intense and prepare the human collective to receive and embrace the Christ consciousness, the new way of thinking, living and expressing.

Beloved ones, the task you undertook to accomplish is important. Your mission is to work with the new patterns in order to bring the changes you want to see and experience in your life. Many people have chosen to assist in this shift.

However, having all these happening on your planet as a natural consequence and preparation for the final alignment of 2012 and the transition of the planet to the 5th dimension, everything is about to change from the way you knew how things are till now.

Change is happening to everybody and all of you receive the effects of the new energies inflowing to the Earth. Mother Gaia has already commenced her ascension into the light, and so this inner alignment happens parallel to you.

This light procedure will bring and brings to the surface and to the forefront all these that do not reflect the divine Light and the Love that you are.

You have noticed that a lot of people and the society express indignation, an attitude that does not corresponds to your divinity. This is happening collectively in order to release the old and for the new to come.

As light workers and ambassadors of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Light you took the heartfelt promise from your soul to assist in the transition and the change of planet Earth.

In this period you need to unite as never before, all together, in order to support the collective and your individual mission and work you have come to do. It is important to realize this new view that you need to work with from now on. For changes to happen it is necessary your work with other people and groups of light workers.

The united efforts of light workers always bring positive and fast results with obvious changes to the earthly level also. While you work together for a common target, with focus, dedication and joy you can change the prevailing situation. Your integration in a group, in a community, works and activities that can create the new, it is essential.

The time of responsibility has come. The Spiritual Hierarchy calls forth all people who are willing to work and offer service for the planet and humanity. The Spiritual Hierarchy and our planet need people that realize how important it is to hold the mastery of their selves and put in action and manifest their mission with responsibility.

Beloved ones, how many benefactions have you received in your life? How many miracles and gifts have you received from the Spirit? The requital for every thank you for all the blessings in our life can be done with actions in our daily lives. We have forgotten that we are on a living planet that accommodates us. We have being called here to bring Love on this planet. To bring more light, to show a better example. To ground our spiritual luminous self on earth.

The turbulence happening on your planet, in your society and the world you live is due to the massive clearing taking place. Old patterns are being removed, agendas, prejudices and beliefs. The ground is getting cleansed and prepared for your New Self. From the view of your soul this is a joyous procedure because it comes closer to you, to become one with you and commune with you.

The only thing you have to do is to align even more. We told you many times that you are responsible for the reality you live. You are those who create it. So creation is directly connected with love, power and wisdom. You have learned many lessons through hundreds of incarnations and you know. It is time to put in action all these things you have learnt.

Indeed, there is nothing to separate you. All of you want a better world, happier, safer, a healthy environment to live, understanding, support. This is not what you want and desire? What priorities do you put in your life? What do you do for the growth of your selves and your fellow people? We understand that many times all these bring pain and difficulties.

This happens because some parts of you still hold on to settled ways of thinking and acting. Many people are afraid to make changes in their lives and to their selves because they don't know how they will be after this.. What might happen, if they will be liked by their social environment after their change, how they will be feeling and thinking. Others are afraid that if they change they will lose their self or their identity. That they won't be the same anymore and that they will be lost in the crowd or stay alone.

Beloved ones, the way of living and education that was predominating on planet Earth was leading people away from their essence, away from what they really are. It leads you to the outer appearances and the circumference. How can you lose your "self" when it never belonged to you?

We told you many times that you are not all these that you think you are. You are not your personality so if it changes, or if you leave something to really go, you don't change. Because you are not that.

The choice is yours, and everything can be so simple since you choose it to be. Acknowledge the truth in your heart and see your real Self, your essence. You have the power, the courage and the strength inside you and the Source is with you in your every effort and step towards the light. You make a step forward to the Light, and the Light makes two steps towards you.

The entire Hierarchy of the Masters and the Angels celebrates and delights in every union and contact with you. The Spirit co-creates with the Spirit every time our hearts open and in common we create miracles on Earth. Each time a heart awakens, every time a journey back home begins. We tell you that we are now very close. You feel us and we feel you. We are here! Call us!

The following summer alignments will open the fiery portals for the descension of the Spirit in a greater scale as never before. While we approach the portal of 2012 the energies of Love and the energies of the Angels will be more sensible on the planet.

The energies of happiness and freedom are available to all humans. You can experience them now in your field. Every human holds in their consciousness different energies and qualities. What do you choose to hold in your consciousness?

Loved ones, we give a call to every heart on the planet, to every living heart that acknowledges the Truth and the Light, to respond to the call. The entire Hierarch of the Light prepares the people of good will and with divine synchronicity brings the facts and the situations in your life and creates the miracles on Earth.

We call you to work with us and contribute with your will and your love to the actions of the light happening on your planet. One of the planetary range service vehicles that will be used this year is the 5th Spiritual Awakening Festival in Greece.

We have gathered and prepared the forces of the light for an inflow to the fields of the earth and humans like never before.

We are ready for serving the Light and we await your group call in order to pass over the veil and merge with you, in the Light.

From the kingdoms of illuminated truth,



Friends, HOPE The Concept about the Year 2012 Galactic Phenomena will make everyone get rid of So many Glamorous useless things...... .. Following is An Interview of Gregg Braden...... ...

The Science Behind 2012

Interview with Gregg Braden, New York Times
best-selling author of Fractal Time

If you are curious to know if there is any science behind the prophecies of 2012, scientist and New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden has the information that will put it into real-time perspective. Geological time, that is after 22 years of scientific research, Braden's new book Fractal Time explains why 2012 marks the end of a 5,125-year cycle.
Did you know that the Earth is presently moving across the equator of the Milky Way? When we talk about the changes that are coming up in 2012, some of those visible changes here on Earth are apparently in response to the astronomical changes that are being created by the Earth's crossing of the Equator of the Milky Way.
In an interview with Dr. Laurie Nadel, Gregg Braden talks about the Mayan prophecies of 2012 and what they mean to you.

Q: You say that 2012 is not the end of the world but the end of a world age—a 5,125-year cycle of time?
Gregg Braden: Some people speak about 2012 like any other news story that you hear about every day. Others who may not have heard anything about 2012 say, "What's the big deal about a date?"

Q: Maybe they think it's like Y2K.
Gregg Braden: Precisely! I was an engineer, working in the defense industry in the 1980s when I first began hearing about the year 2012. Some people were saying, literally, "It's the end of the world." Others said, "It's the end of the world as we know it." And some even said, "It's the beginning of a thousand years of peace."
Everyone I asked had a different opinion. What I discovered as a scientist was that the only way that I would know what 2012 was all about was to understand the people who created the calendars that tell us about 2012. And the only way to understand them was to understand great cycles of time.

Q: What do you mean when you say, "cycles of time?"

Gregg Braden: Our own science now is telling us that we, on this planet, our lives, and our planet in general, are under the influence of great cycles of time; cycles within cycles, within cycles. Some of the cycles we know about, like the 24-hour cycle of the day for day and night, or the 28-days of a woman's cycle. But the great cycles cover such vast periods of time that we don't remember them from one civilization to the next. Our present great cycle is a 5,125-year-long cycle linked to an astronomical event that occurred in the year 3114 B.C.

Q: Now, that's almost incomprehensible for people—3114 B.C.
Gregg Braden:
It ends on December 21, the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 A.D.

Q: And in that moment or on that day, the sun, you say, is going to move into an alignment with the equator of the Milky Way.
Gregg Braden:
What happens during this time—and we have to be really careful when we talk about this—there is an alignment that's occurring because Earth does this little tip and this little wobble over long periods of time. As Earth tips and wobbles in its orbit, it changes the scenery of the night sky. It changes our orientation in space with respect to the center of our own galaxy –of our Milky Way galaxy.
Now, our own scientists have discovered—and they are publishing this openly—that the center of our Milky Way galaxy is a very powerful source of magnetic energy. The term they use is "magnetic filaments" that radiate from the center of our Milky Way. Where we are, in relation to that source of energy, has a huge effect on planet Earth. Sometimes we're further away, and we're tilted away from it, and the effect is less. Sometimes we're closer or we're tilted toward it, and the effect is greater.
On December 21st in the year 2012, we have a straight shot—a linear shot, unobstructed by any other planets or any other bodies in the solar system--where we have direct access to that field of energy.

Q: Now, does this mean that the magnetic poles are going to shift, and we're going to have three days of darkness?
Gregg Braden:
There is no scientific evidence to support that.

Q: I'm glad to hear that.
Gregg Braden:
There has been a lot of speculation about it. The magnetic poles have certainly reversed in the past. I can tell you as a former geologist that we can see that in the geologic record, 14 times in the last 4-1/2 million years.
Each time, before the magnetic fields reversed, they had to weaken to a certain point before that reversal happened. Even though we have seen a decrease in the magnetic field strength of the Earth over the last 100 years or so, it is still so much higher than the measurement that is needed for it to reverse that the probability of this happening in the next three years between 2009 and 2012 or even a year or two after, it looks like it's a slim probability. We've got so many other things to worry about.

Q: Are there new discoveries that show that we can think of time as an essence that follows the same rhythms and cycles that govern everything from particles to galaxies? Can we think of these things that happen in time as places within cycles?
Gregg Braden:
The bottom line is that time is essentially a wave that is moving in one direction. Right now it's moving from the present to the future. So, the seeds for things that are happening today and events like 2012 that are yet to happen have already occurred in the past.
If we know where to look into the past, it gives us a good idea of what we can expect in the present and the future. Time's waves follow natural rhythms, cycles, and natural progressions. This means that we can measure, calculate, and predict when the seeds – the conditions -- for an event are going to happen again, and again, and again. This means that we can take the year 2012 calculate backwards, using natural rhythms to the times in our history when the seed for 2012 was planted. Looking at the seed, we can determine when the patterns and events that will happen in 2012 were set into motion. We can go into the geologic record to see what was happening then on the planet. Or we can go into the archaeological record to see what was happening to people to give us a really good idea of what we can expect over these next few years.
Q You talk about how the conditions for the Mayan end-date of 2012 have already happened in our past.
Gregg Braden:

Q: What can we do to prepare for what's going to happen next in 2012?
Gregg Braden:
To prepare for whatever is happening, we have to understand what it is that's going to happen. This is the value of knowing precisely where to look in the past to understand what we're about to experience or what we're already experiencing now.
Q: Now, you talked about Pearl Harbor and 2001 as being years that were kind of hot dates when, in fact, the United States was, both times, attacked. What are some of the other hot dates that you refer to in the book?
Gregg Braden: For 2012, the records show that when we've look into the history of the Earth, into the ice cores in Antarctica, for example, it preserved a record of Earth's past. When we look into those ice cores at the dates that are the fractals or the seed patterns for 2012, they tell us that in those dates the magnetic fields of the Earth became weaker. The energy from the sun was stronger so that the ice on the poles began to melt. The oceans began to rise, the climate began to shift, and the weather patterns began to change.

Q: We are experiencing that now.
Gregg Braden:
Precisely, and that is the whole point. Has the Earth gone through a big change? Yes. Does it mean that something is wrong or something is broken? No! It always happens when we reach this point in a great cycle. When we are this distance from the energy source at the center of our Milky Way, when Earth is tilted and oriented the way it is, apparently, this is what always happens.
Therefore, to a large extent, we are already experiencing the great changes that so many have predicted. We are already seeing cities wiped off the face of the Earth near shallow coastlines. We are already seeing major magnitude earthquakes and tsunamis. We are already seeing forest fires ranging them across vast, open spaces. We are seeing millions of people die from disease. The United States is blessed in that we're not experiencing as much here as in other parts of the world. But such change can happen anywhere and everywhere.

Q: The take-away message…?
Gregg Braden:
It is good for us to prepare and to help other people that are having the problems of feeling the brunt of these changes. But here is the core: The geologic records show that the changes are intense; absolutely intense, but that they're brief. They don't last for generation, after generation, after generation. The archaeological records show that when past civilizations reach the point in their cycle where we are in right now, they made a mistake that we don't want to repeat today.

Q: What was that mistake?
Gregg Braden:
When the world began to change, civilizations of the past didn't understand the change. They began to fight one another for the resources. In that violent competition for what was left when the world was changing, everyone lost. Nobody won. The civilizations collapsed. For example, Egypt's 20th dynasty absolutely collapsed during precisely this period of time and no one even knew about them until thousands of years later.
We are at a point right now where we must choose to work together for this brief period of time to bring ourselves through this time of change. If we make the mistakes of the past and everyone loses. This is why I feel that this book is so important right now.

Q: A lot of people kind of feel helpless when they start listening to stories about ancient civilizations collapsing. They think about tsunamis and Katrina, and it's very hard for people not to feel overwhelmed by the great scope of planetary movements and fractal time. For what can people hope?
Gregg Braden:
On my website, www.greggbraden. com you will find a link to the Global Coherence Initiative. When you click on that link, you can learn about the science-based initiative that allows each of us to learn a way of being that actually influences the fields of the Earth. In other words, you can learn how to have a positive impact on how we come through this time in history. This project is all about our relationship to the Earth through heart-based living.

Q: What is heart-based living?
Gregg Braden:
In the past few years, our own science has made a radical, revolutionary discovery that changes everything about the way we think of ourselves and the world. What they found is that when we create heart-based feelings of gratitude, appreciation, care—literally, using the muscle of the heart to create these feelings—what we're actually doing is generating a magnetic field inside our bodies that is part of the magnetic field of the Earth that undergoes the change.
The Earth's magnetic field rises, falls, and regulates everything from climate to ice caps and sea levels. This magnetic field joins all life on Earth from a blade of grass, to an ant, to a goldfish, to a hamster, to us. When many of us come together and create a common feeling, that experience is called "coherence." "Coherence" can actually be measured. It is 0.10 Hertz. That is the measurement of the coherence created between the heart and the brain.
Scientists first found out about this during 9/11 when our satellites 22,000 miles in space began to register changes in the magnetic field of the Earth, when humans were having feelings about September 11th and the World Trade Center. This is a surprise to science. They asked, "Why would people experiencing 9/11, why would that possibly affect the magnetic fields of the Earth? There's no connection, right?" Well, wrong. They found that there is a connection and this has led to what is called the Global Coherence Initiative Project.
Scientists are now building the sensors that can measure these magnetic fields and put them up onto the website where you can watch the fields change everyday in real time. In addition to measuring this field, the Global Coherence Project aims is to teach people how to create coherence in their everyday lives. It's not a hard thing to do, and you don't have to change your lives to do it. You don't have to change your meditations, your prayers, or any practice. It's a way of being in our hearts as we go throughout the day that's very easy to learn.

Q: So, it's kind of an awareness or biofeedback- type training.
Gregg Braden:
That is part of it. When we create this coherence inside our bodies, it triggers about 1,400 biochemical changes. Anti-aging processes begin. DHEA level—the life-giving hormone—surges in our bodies. Our immune systems become really strong. We think more clearly. We become less aggressive. The magnetic fields of the heart are now being documented. We are facing the greatest challenges of 5,000 years of recorded human history. As we face the great challenges of our time, we are asking, "What can we do?" Here's what we can do: We can learn the language of the magnetic field that is creating the changes and help bring that field from chaos into order.
We can influence the very fields that are creating the change. The Mayans cannot tell us how this cycle ends because we are writing the ending to this cycle while we're living it right now. The fear about 2012 is stressing a lot of people but we have the ability to regulate the magnetic field by regulating the way that we work together through our hearts. The key is: we've got to work together to do it.




RUST is a very important factor for all relationships. When trust is broken, it is the end of the relationship. Lack of trust leads to   suspicion, suspicion generates anger, anger causes enmity and enmity may result in separation.

A telephone operator told me that one day she received a phone call.   She answered, 'Public Utilities Board.' There was silence. She   repeated, 'PUB.' There was still no answer. When she was going to   cut off the line, she Heard a lady's voice, 'Oh, so this is PUB. Sorry, I got the number from my Husband's pocket but I do not know whose number it is.'

Without mutual trust, just imagine what will happen to the couple if   the telephone operator answered with just 'hello' instead of 'PUB'.



A man asked his father-in-law, 'Many people praised you for a successful marriage. Could you please share with me your secret?'
The father-in-law answered in a smile, 'Never criticize your wife for her shortcomings or when she does something wrong. Always bear in mind that because of her shortcomings and weaknesses, she could not find a better husband than you.'

We all look forward to being loved and respected. Many people are afraid of losing face. Generally, when a person makes a mistake, he would look around to find a scapegoat to point the finger at. This is the start of a war. We should always remember that when we point one finger at a person, the other four fingers are pointing at ourselves.

If we forgive the others, others will ignore our mistake too.



A person visited the government matchmaker for marriage, SDU, and requested 'I am looking for a spouse. Please help me to find a suitable one.' The SDU officer said, 'Your requirements, please.' 'Oh, good looking, polite, humorous , sporty, knowledgeable, good in singing and dancing. Willing to accompany me the whole day at home during my leisure hour, if I don't go out. Telling me interesting stories when I need companion for conversation and be silent when I want to rest.' The officer listened carefully and replied, 'I understand you need television.'

There is a saying that a perfect match can only be found between a blind wife and a deaf husband,
because the blind wife cannot see the faults of the husband and the deaf husband cannot hear the nagging of the wife. Many couples are blind and deaf at the courting stage and dream of perpetual perfect relationship. Unfortunately, when the excitement of love wears off, they wake up a and discover that marriage is not a bed of roses. The nightmare begins.



Many relationships fail because one party tries to overpower another,
or demands too much. People in love tend to think that love will conquer all and their spouses will change the bad habits after marriage. Actually, this is not the case. There is a Chinese saying which carries the meaning that 'It is easier to reshape a mountain or a river than a person's character.'

It is not easy to change. Thus, having high expectation on changing the spouse character will cause disappointment and unpleasantness.

It would be less painful to change ourselves and lower our expectations..



There is a Chinese saying which carries the meaning that 'A speech will either prosper or ruin a nation.' Many relationships break off because of wrong speech. When a couple is too close with each other,
we always forget mutual respect and courtesy. We may say anything without considering if it would hurt the other party.

A friend and her millionaire husband visited their construction site. A worker who wore a helmet saw her and shouted,
'Hi, Emily! Remember me? We used to date in the secondary school.' On the way home, her millionaire husband teased her, 'Luckily you married me. Otherwise you will be the wife of a construction worker.' She answered,'You should appreciate that you married me. Other wise, he will be the millionaire and not you.'

Frequently exchanging these remarks plants the seed for a bad relationship. It's like a broken egg - cannot be reversed.



Different people have different perception. One man's meat could be another man's poison. A couple bought a donkey from the market. On the way home, a boy commented, 'Very stupid. Why neither of them ride on the donkey? 'Upon hearing that, the husband let the wife ride on the donkey. He walked besides them. Later, an old man saw it and commented, 'The husband is the head of family. How can the wife ride on the donkey while the husband is on foot?' Hearing this, the wife quickly got down and let the husband ride on the donkey.

Further on the way home, they met an old Lady. She commented, 'How can the man ride on the donkey but let the wife walk. He is no gentleman.'
The husband thus quickly asked the wife to join him on the donkey. Then, they met a young man. He commented, 'Poor donkey, how can you hold up the weight of two persons. They are cruel to you.' Hearing that, the husband and wife immediately climbed down from the donkey and carried it on their shoulders.

It seems to be the only choice left. Later, on a nar row bridge, the donkey was frightened and struggled. They lost their balance and fell into the river. You can never have everyone praise you, nor will everyone condemn you. Never in the past, not at present, and never will be in the future.

Thus, do not be too bothered by others words if our conscience is clear..



This is a true story which happened in the States. A man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement, his three-year-old son was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint of the truck. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the little boy's hands into pulp as punishment. When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital.

Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to amputate the fingers from both the boy's hands. When the boy woke up from the surgery & saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently said, 'Daddy, I'm sorry about your truck.' Then he asked, 'but when are my fingers going to grow back?' The father went home & committed suicide.

Think about this story the next time someone steps on your feet or u wish to take revenge. Think first before u lose your patience with someone u love. Trucks can be repaired.. Broken bones & hurt feelings often can't. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge.

People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever.

'Good Life starts only when you stop wanting a better One'


DNA activation 2012 Breif



                                                                    ABOUT "D N A"

We are being changed physically from carbon-based being with 2 strands of DNA into crystalline beings with 12strands  (and 1,024 strands) of DNA (eventually), because only crystalline substances can exist on higher dimensional levels. We are in fact having our bodies merged with Syrian DNA strands, as this format is close enough to our own to be able to integrate with relatively little side effects.

It is not just we human who are changing, but all life forms on Earth are becoming crystalline. All the fish in the sea, the flowers and trees in your garden, the birds in the sky, even your pet dog or cat. Everything is changing. Nothing will die or be destroyed, for we are all moving together into a new state of being.

This new state of being requires therefore that we physically, mentally and emotionally let go of 3rd dimensional concepts. Just as in death, the letting go is a major part of the change process, for one cannot take the old values and way of being into a new completely different afterlife. So the progression through changes compels us to let go of current intensions of relationships, jobs, careers, homes, possessions, and so on, if they are unable to support our new way of being. Is it any wonder therefore, that there is a great deal of anxiety and fear being felt because these changes are already in progress, even though most people are not conscious of it. Also, the changes to our physiological makeup are currently speeding up and there are many temporary physical symptoms that are occurring in our bodies as a consequence of this.

Some of these are:

Flu-like symptoms —high temperatures, sweating, aching bones and joints etc., but which do not respond to antibiotics

Migraine headaches —severe pain that is not relieved with pain killers

Occasional diarrheas

Occasional runny nose —with sneezing which lasts 24 hours and is not a cold or hay fever


Ringing in the ears

Heart palpitations

Feeling the whole body vibrate - especially at night when one is in a relaxed state

Intense muscle spasms —plus pain in the body, often the back

Tingling - in arms, hands, legs or feet

Loss of muscular power —in hands, caused by changes in circulation system

Occasional breathing difficulties —and/or noticing stronger or louder breathing when in a relaxed state

Immune system changes

Lymphatic system changes

Feeling tired - or exhausted from minor exertion

Wanting to sleep —longer and more often than normal

Toe nails and hair growing quicker than normal

Bouts of depression for no real reason

Delving into the past —and looking at relationships, gaining clarity on personal issues

Feeling of a huge purge

Tension, anxiety and high stress levels —because one feels that something is going on but doesn't know what is it

Some of these symptoms are being felt by a great many people. Many are rushing off in panic to their doctor, chiropractor, herbalist, and so on, and are usually told that there is nothing wrong with them. And this is the truth. For all these symptoms are just temporary and simply indicate that these physiological changes are occurring.

See the whyis DNA activations

The human body is the ultimate constuct of the evolutionary progression of light and matter.
DNA is advanced through the human experience, this can be done consciously and subconsciously. Some people go all their life, never consciously accelerating the evolution of their DNA, leaving their subconscious self to enhance the DNA slowly. Conscious progression, and enhancement of the DNA rapidly accelerates our own evolution, and we enhance the energy of the Universe as well. This can be done on your own, and you can also recieve the assistance of others to serve as a catalyst and serve as your 'awakening.' We can bring Infinite light, Infinite dark (the creative), empty and full space, Power, Infinity, Eternity, Advanced Evolution, Cosmic force, color, and Full Spectrum Multi-Dimensional Rainbow harmonics into our DNA, visualizing the DNA enhancing and evolving, visualizing it growing in complexity and intensity.

Add strands of DNA to your DNA, and to the collective DNA. Start adding one to ten strands to DNA. From this go up. Open up to Infinity, open up to the Universe. Open up to Evolution. We can have 6,000 to 15,000 Strands. As high and out-there as this sounds, we can achieve this. We are Infinite. Feel this in your body. Feel your Infinity. How does it feel, allow your body and your Infinite essence to tell you the truth.


  What exactly is DNA Activation?

Most people know that DNA is the 'blueprint of life' and is located in every cell of the body. In addition to each chromosome's 2 strand double helix of DNA, there are an additional 10 etheric strands of DNA available to each human, which have been dormant since the beginning of recorded history. Each additional strand possesses attributes that permit the individual to perform greater human accomplishments. Scientists acknowledge that we currently only use 3% of our current 2 strand DNA. Thus we live in a society where people are sick, unhappy, stressed out, create wars, have difficulty experiencing love, and are totally disconnected with the universe. Most people have to meditate for many years just to have a so-called 'mystical' experience, that's how disconnected we are now. Imagine activating 100% of your 2 strand DNA, PLUS 10 additional strands! You will go from using 10% of your brain to becoming a multi-dimensional being with psychic, telepathic, and manifestation abilities beyond anything you've ever dreamed of. Plus, you will stop the aging process and actually start to rejuvenate to look and feel YOUNGER. This is the Original Divine Blueprint, what man USED to be. It has been written that Jesus had 12 strands of DNA activated. There have been children born throughout the history of humanity to raise the frequency of the planet that have more than 2 strands of DNA active - they are known as Indigo children. These are the incredibly intelligent, loving, and amazing children that are being mistakenly diagnosed as having A.D.D. because they are too smart to pay attention in class. Your DNA is your blueprint of life and is what controls every single function inside each of your cells. If you change your DNA, you really will change your life.

How can there be additional strands of DNA and what does this look like?

The portions of the DNA chain that science has presently identified as the "Double Helix", represent only the SURFACE portions of the chemical, elemental, and electrical components of the active DNA strands. Science has yet to identify the MULTIDIMENSIONAL spectra of DNA manifestation, and has yet to realize that within the structures of detectable DNA, there are levels of structure and function that direct the operations of the entire genetic blueprint, which are not currently detectable by the contemporary scientific method.

The human DNA imprint will always appear from external analysis, as a 2 strand Double Helix configuration. But what is not understood, is that within the Double Helix there are, and will be progressively more, additional Double Helix strands, which fuse together and add their operational coding into the active DNA imprint. As science evolves into comprehension of the mult-dimensional spectrum, the understanding of the tree structure and function of DNA will progressively advance.

But one does not have to wait for science to catch up with a rapidly evolving humanity in order to begin advancing the functions of their DNA. Through the processes of bioregenesis, we are removing ancient blockages within the human anatomy that have been blocking natural DNA activation, and then we are restoring the Original Organic Imprint for Health, that is the birthright of our species. We are progressively reordering portions of the "junk DNA" and stimulating portions of the DNA into activation.

Why is DNA Activation important right now and how does the Earth affect our DNA Activation level?

We are directly connected to the Earth and exist as part of the Earth. Like a baby that is in their mother's womb, the body of the mother is actually the OUTER body of the baby. So anything that happens to the mother forms an energetic imprint and affects the child. For example, if the mother smokes or drinks alcohol during the pregnancy, this goes directly to the child and forms imprints, which may manifest as physical birth deformities or genetic problems which eventually manifest into physical dis-ease.

So it is the same thing with the Earth and us. The Earth is OUR outer body. This is why it is called Mother Earth. Our morphogenetic field (form holding blueprint) exists as part of the larger morphogenetic field of the Earth. If something happens to the Earth's energetic grids, then we inherit these problems into our own grids. Our energetic anatomy is exactly like the Earth's, with chakras, meridians, axiatonal lines, and DNA. Our 13th chakra is actually one we share with the Earth and exists at the Earth's core. So if a cataclysm happens with the Earth and it pokes a hole in the Earth's grids, then what happens is that "hole" is poked into every person's DNA on the planet.

And this has been one of the main influences and problems with our DNA throughout history as there have been many cataclysms. The Earth distortions in history have actually created a planetary DNA distortion that has made every living organism's DNA on the planet to falsely appear as Base-4, with only 4 chemicals. Humans are supposed to have 12 chemical nucleotide bases. This would allow us to have 144 physical chemical chromosomes as well, whereas now we only have 46. Also the original Angelic Human DNA Template which most people on the planet have, called the Diamond Sun DNA Template, is 12 strands, allowing for 12 dimensions of consciousness, and is built for transmutation from carbon to silica based body, and eventually pre-matter liquid light. This body is not meant to "die". It is because of the DNA distortions in ancient history (25,500 B.C) that have blocked people from bringing light into their field and naturally evolving through DNA activation. Most people on the planet only have 3 strands active, which only allows 3 dimensions of consciousness and thus they are stuck in 3D.

We are at a very important point in history right now because we have the ability to regenerate our original organic imprint for health. And we don't need science and fancy equipment to do this. We are just required to learn how to use what we came in with – our mind-body-spirit system to direct our mind to alter the scalar waves by which our DNA is composed.

We are in the middle of an ascension cycle, which is literally a time continuum shift. From now through 2012, the planet is going through this time continuum shift, which only happens once every 25,556 years (called a Euiago cycle). What is happening is that the particles that make up the Earth's auric field are speeding up in pulsation rhythm to prepare for this shift into ascension from dimension 3 to dimension 4. Since the particles that make up the Earth's auric field are speeding up in pulsation rate, and we exist as part of the Earth's auric field, the particles that make up our OWN auric fields must also speed up. This is happening now through 2012. This means that one must have at least 4 strands of DNA active to make the shift into dimension 4.

And this is why DNA activation is so important now. If you have energetic blockages – auric attachments, karmic imprints, DNA distortions, or unnatural energetic seals, then you will not be able to speed up the particles and accrete the frequencies necessary to make this time continuum shift. And the higher frequencies coming into your field will speed up the body deterioration process and many result in physical problems or discomfort. Many people are noticing these "symptoms" now and this is why. They are also noticing how time is speeding up.

Our evolution is directly and intimately tied to the Earth's. And the actual purpose of the Angelic Humans is to assist the Earth with what is happening now. This IS "why we are here". Because by raising our own frequency and bringing more light into our fields by DNA activation, when enough people do this and it meets "critical mass", this will actually reset the distortions in the Earth's grids so that we can all ascend together in 2012. All masters that have come, are here, and will come know about DNA activation and spiritual evolution does not happen without it.

What are the reported benefits and results of DNA Activation?

DNA activation removes the energetic blockages to you embodying your Higher self, Oversoul consciousness, Avatar self, and Rishi - the part of you closest to Source or God. So consciousness expansion is one of the main benefits and after the sessions, you will be more aware of everything, especially what your purpose is and why you incarnated here at this point in "time". You will start to become aware or see things that others cannot see - some of the hidden agendas going on and how to make decisions to help you and your family in the best way possible. Your dormant brain functions will start to become active, especially your pineal gland. This will help to start tapping into your 7 Higher Senses, and you will be able to use these on a daily basis with practice. Some of the physical benefits reported by clients include thicker hair growth, weight loss and stabilization of desired weight, increased energy, and rejuvenation of various muscles. You will start to see how your body is just a thoughtform as well, and you can change your body more easily with focus, so you won't have to work out as much. Emotionally, you will go beyond your personal dramas, the aggravation of everyday life. Your body will undergo a detoxification, which will bring old emotional issues to the surface to be released forever, to no longer cause dis-ease and poison the body. You will also experience a renewed sense of confidence and security, and will project that to others, which will allow you to have more fulfilling relationships, increased trust and discernment, and the attraction of soul mates. Almost everyone also reports much quicker manifestations of that which they desire.




Twelve Signs of Your Awakening Divinity

"Twelve Signs of Your Awakening Divinity"
"Shaumbra" means
Family and Deep Inner Friendship

By Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias

1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and
back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as
the "Christ seed" awakens within. This too shall pass.

2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are
releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the
feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from
a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As
much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of
leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house.
This too shall pass.

3. Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2 above. It's good
and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy
within. This too shall pass.

4. Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you
change, things around you will change as well. Don't worry about
finding the "perfect" job or career right now. This too shall pass.
You're in transition and you may make several job changes before you
settle into one that fits your passion.

5. Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to
your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic
cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will
appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends.
This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new
relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the
relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic

6. Unusual sleep patterns. It's likely that you'll awaken many
nights between 2:00 and 4:00 AM. There's a lot of work going on
within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not
to worry. If you can't go back to sleep, get up and do something
rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall

7. Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams,
chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old
energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as
wars, running to escape and boogiemen. This too shall pass.

8. Physical disorientation. At times you'll feel very
ungrounded. You'll be "spatially challenged" with the feeling like
you can't put two feet on the ground, or that you're walking between
two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy,
you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help
ground the new energy within. This too shall pass.

9. Increased "self talk." You'll find yourself talking to your
Self more often. You'll suddenly realize you've been chattering away
with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of
communication taking place within your being, and you're experiencing
the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will
increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more
insightful. You're not going crazy, you're just Shaumbra moving into
the new energy.

10. Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others.
You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire
to "flee" groups and crowds. As Shaumbra, you are walking a sacred
and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you
anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The
feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your
Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys
in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you
could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass.
The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own
Christ consciousness.

11. Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with
little or no desire to do anything. That's OK, and it's just part of
the process. Take this time to "do no-thing." Don't fight yourself on
this, because this too shall pass. It's similar to rebooting a
computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order
to load the sophisticated new software, or in this case, the new
Christ-seed energy.

12. A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most difficult
and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep
and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This
is not a "suicidal" feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration.
You don't want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself
or other. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home. The
root cause for this is quite simple. You have completed your karmic
cycles. You have completed your contract for this lifetime. You are
ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body.
During this transition process, you have an inner remembrance of what
it is like to be on the other side. Are you ready to enlist for
another tour of duty here on Earth? Are you ready to take on the
challenges of moving into the New Energy? Yes, indeed you could go
Home right now. But you've come this far, and after many, many
lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie.
Besides, Spirit needs you here to help others transition into the new
energy. They will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken
the journey from the old energy into the new. The path you're walking
right now provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher
of the New Divine Human. As lonely and dark as your journey can be at
times, remember that you are never alone.

My Dear Friends,Masters and God's
Reference: crimsoncircle web site.

Famous Vegetarians


Check the list of famous vegetarian celebrities


Complete List,

·  Franz Kafka

·  Charlotte Bronte

·  Ralph Waldo Emerson

·  Henry David Thoreau

·  Sir Isaac Newton

·  Mahatma Gandhi

·  George Bernard Shaw

·  Leo Tolstoy

·  Mark Twain

·  H.G. Wells

·  Milton

·  Henry Ford

·  Leonardo Da Vinci

·  Charles Darwin

·  William Wordsworth

·  Thomas Edison

·  Plutarch

·  Pythagorus

·  Socrates

·  Nikola Tesla (Inventor)

·  Diogenes

·  Albert Schweitzer

·  Ovid

·  Voltaire

·  Vincent Van Gogh

·  Susan B. Anthony

·  Plato

·  Zoroaster

·  Martin Luther

·  Clara Barton

·  Elvis Costello

·  Dave Davies (Kinks)

·  Bob Dylan

·  Peter Gabriel

·  Joan Armatrading

·  Davey Havok (AFI)

·  Moby

·  Siouxsie Sioux

·  Joe Jackson

·  Billy Idol

·  Kate Bush

·  Chrissie Hynde

·  Brad Pitt

·  Alec Baldwin

·  Pamela Anderson

·  Steve Martin

·  Christie Brinkley

·  Cathy Dennis

·  Desmond Howard

·  Edwin Moses

·  Martina Navratilova

·  Kathy Johnson

(1980 Gymnast of Year)

·  Bill Pearl (Bodybuilder)

·  Alicia Silverstone

·  Eric Stolz

·  Jennie Garth

·  Liv Tyler

·  Dennis Weaver

·  Michael J. Fox

·  Jerry Seinfeld

·  Brigitte Bardot

·  Dustin Hoffman

·  Virginia Madsen

·  Anthony Perkins

·  Woody Harrelson

·  David Duchovny

·  Richard Gere

·  Natalie Portman

·  Ricki Lake

·  Ted Danson

·  William Shatner

·  Tommy LaRussa

·  Anthony Peeler (NBA)

·  Bill Walton (NBA)

·  Robert Parish (NBA)

·  Billie Jean King

·  Joe Namath

·  Peter Buck (REM)

·  Martin Gore (Depeche)

·  Fiona Apple

·  Sinead O'Connor

·  Boy George

·  Steve Howe (Yes)

·  Scott Adams (Dilbert)

·  Clive Barker

·  Berke Breathed

(Bloom County comic strip)

·  Richard Bach

·  Henry Heimlich M.D.

·  Donnie LaLonde

(Light Heavyweight Champ)

·  Dave Scott

(5x Ironman Triathlon winner)

·  Killer Kowalski

·  Jack LaLanne

·  k.d. Lang

·  Richard Thompson

·  Lene Lovich

·  Morrissey

·  Annie Lennox

·  Julian Cope

·  Lenny Kravitz

·  Prince (the symbol guy)

·  Captain Sensible

·  James (whole band)

·  Belinda Carlisle

·  Emmylou Harris

·  Joaquin Phoenix

·  River Phoenix

·  Candice Bergen

·  Larry Hagman

·  Charlotte Ross

·  Olivia Newton John

·  Christy Turlington

·  Vanessa Williams

·  Rosanna Arquette

·  Kevin Eubanks (Leno)

·  Kim Basinger

·  Orlando Bloom

·  Johnny Marr (Smiths)

·  Meatloaf (?yes!)

·  Natalie Merchant

·  Wendy O' Williams

·  Shania Twain

·  Jeff Beck

·  John Lennon
& Yoko Ono

·  Paul McCartney
& Linda McCartney

·  Ringo Starr
& Barbara Bach

·  Princess Diana

·  Todd Oldham

(fashion designer)

·  Leonard Cohen

·  Steven Jobs (Apple)

·  Chelsea Clinton

·  Ziggy Marley

·  Kraftwerk (whole band)

·  Sarah McLachlan

·  Eddie Vedder

·  Robert Smith (Cure)

·  KRS-One

·  Amy Ray (Indigo Girls)

·  Grace Slick

·  Steve Vai

·  Paula Cole

·  Phil Collen (Def Leppard)

·  Rick Savage (Def Leppard)

·  Bob Barker

(The Price is Right)

·  Tobey Maguire

·  Rhea Perlman (Cheers)

·  Sara Gilbert

·  Lisa Rinna (Melrose)

·  Captain & Tennille

·  Consolidated (the band)

·  Don McLean

(wrote "American Pie" song)

·  Michael Bolton

·  Lisa Loeb

·  Marina Sirtis (Star Trek)

·  Mary Tyler Moore

·  Marilu Henner

·  Meredith Baxter

·  Peter Cushing

·  Reese Witherspoon

·  Don Imus

·  Peter Bogdanovich

·  Anthony Robbins

(Motivational Coach)

·  Cesar Chavez

(United Farm Workers)

·  Cassandra Peterson

(the "Elvira" character)

·  Thora Birch

(Ghost World creator)

·  Susannah Hoffs

(from The Bangles)

·  Carter Beauford (DMB)

·  Boyd Tinsley (DMB)

·  Daniel Johns (Silverchair)

·  Bryan Adams

·  Andre 3000 (OutKast)

·  Steve Morse (Deep Purple)

·  Lisa Simpson & Apu

·  "Weird" Al Yankovic

·  Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers)

·  Johnny Rotten

·  The Roots (whole band)

·  Minor Threat (whole band)

·  George Harrison (Beatles)

·  Jon Anderson (Yes)

·  Larry Mullen (U2)

·  Carl Lewis

(Winner of 17 Gold Medals)

·  Erykah Badu

·  Bonnie Hunt

·  Lindsay Wagner

(The Bionic Woman)

·  Keenan Ivory Wayans

·  Linda Blair (Exorcist)

·  Drew Barrymore

·  Matt Groening

(creator of The Simpsons)

·  Susan Powter

·  Traci Bingham (baywatch)

·  Milo Ventimiglia [GG]

·  Mike Farrell

·  RZA [Wu Tang]

·  Raekwon [Wu Tang]

·  Ghostface [WT]

·  Prodigy [Mobb Deep]

·  Russell Simmons

·  Spice Williams (stuntman)

·  Marv Levy (Buffalo Bills)

·  Gillian Anderson (X-Files)

·  Demi Moore

·  Betty White (Golden Girls)

·  Rue McClanahan

(Golden Girls)

·  Jane Goodall

·  Dwight Yoakum

·  Naomi Watts

·  Michael Tsarion

·  Don Piraro

(created Bizarro cartoon)