Saturday, August 15, 2009
Where is the Heaven
to go to the Ganges or to go to Kaaba. You need to go to yourself. But that is something that no
priest of any religion wants you to do, because the moment you do it you get out of all the bondage
of religions – Hinduism, Mohammedanism, Christianity – all that seems to be stupid and nonsense.
You have found your truth.
-OSHO (The Osho Upanishad)
The power of innerself
One cave was dark, as caves usually are, but in the other one there was sometimes a peculiar golden light illuminating the cave. It was not strong, but enough to be noticed and to mildly illuminate the cave. The phenomenon of the light bewildered the visitors, but they could not come to an agreement about the causes of the light. Both swamis were rather silent most of the time, and did not want to discuss the phenomenon of the light.
The company of the swamis aroused calmness and peace in the visitors. Their minds slowed their incessant chatter, and they experienced a pleasant inner peace and inner happiness. The visitors admired both swamis, but believed that the one living in the illuminated cave possessed supernatural powers and was more advanced. He certainly appeared to them as a mysterious person.
One day a great sage was passing by a near village, and being recognized by the villagers, one of them approached him and said:
"Great master, we have a question to ask. There is a mystery which you might solve for us."
"I will be glad to help you, if I can", answered the sage.
"There are two swamis living here on the hill...", the villager started to recount.
"Yes, I know", answered the sage, "and you inquire about the light in the cave."
"Yes, great master, that is true. It is something that has been a riddle for us. Can you please tell us also, if the swami in the lighted cave is more advanced, and if he really possess supernatural powers?"
"Pay attention to your inner self and not to outer phenomena. The outside world always changes, but inner self is constant. When in the presence of a teacher, listen to what he says and be aware of the influence of his words on you. Watch yourself, and see whether under his influence you become calmer and more peaceful, and your thoughts, at least for a while, slow down their mad race."
"Yes most revered master", said one of the devotees, "but please enlightens us on the mysterious light."
The sage sat down, and started to explain: "Sometimes, when one works intensively on the spiritual path, and concentrates and meditates a lot, various phenomena may occur around him, such as lights, sounds or visions. This is not supernatural. The mind has a creative power, and when concentrated, can produce various phenomena even unintentionally."
"It does not mean that one is more advanced than the other. Not all minds produce these things. Some do, and some don't."
"Some of the people who produce these lights may be aware of the light, and some may not. It depends on their psychic sensitivity. So it is also with the people who watch them. Not all see this light. In any case, it has nothing to do with whether one swami is more advanced or less advanced than the other one."
"Thank you great master, you have solved for us this great mystery", exclaimed the devotees of the swamis, who were standing by, deeply relieved and happy to understand the mystery that has been troubling them for a long time.
More about Meditation
Though it plays an important role in various religions and spiritual practices, it is actually a practice that is free from all religious connotations.
It has always been practiced everywhere, from ancient times until today. There has always been the desire to go within, to find what is beyond the physical form, and to find the real spirit and the relation between mankind, the world and the creator.
There are many forms, techniques and traditions of meditation, which are practiced and followed for various reasons and aims, such as for gaining peace of mind, spiritual growth and spiritual awakening, as well as for relaxation, health, success, mind power or the development of psychic abilities.
Meditation calms down the body and the mind, reduces stress and anxiety, normalizes the blood pressure and has a healing effect on the body. It improves the concentration power, sharpens the mind and strengthens the intuition. Its constant practice reduces the number of restless thoughts in the mind, brings peace of mind, happiness and bliss, and in its higher stages, enlightenment.
In order to obtain results it has to be practiced every day, at least once a day, twice better, for at least 15 minutes, though a beginner may start with only 10 minutes a day.
In a very general sense, there are two forms of meditation. One requires that one focuses the mind on something concrete, such as the breathing process, a concrete object or a word or a thought, and there is what may be termed as "formless meditation", in which one focuses on the inner silence, inner self or on nothing at all. This form of meditation can only be practiced after one is well trained with the first form.
Here are a few tips and advice:
1. It is important to meditate every day.
2. Meditation should be approached with patience, love and an open mind. This is the attitude that brings results.
3. Do not meditate when you are tired.
4. Find a place where you can be alone and undisturbed.
5. Sit in a comfortable position with the spine erect.
6. Take a few slow deep breaths.
7. For a minute or two, evoke in your mind some pleasant memory.
8. Think for about one minute about the benefits this practice will bring you
9. Start meditating calmly, yet with focused attention. The more focused the attention is, the easier it is to ignore thoughts and other distractions.
10. Start with a simple technique, such as:
a) Focusing your attention on your incoming and outgoing breath.
b) Thinking about an inspiring quote.
The Power of Thoughts
By Remez Sasson
One day, a yogi and his disciple arrived to the big city. They had no money with them, but they needed food and a place to stay. The disciple was sure that they were going to beg for their food, and sleep in the park at night.
"There is a big park not far from here. We can sleep there at night", said the disciple.
"In the open air?" Asked the yogi.
"Yes", responded the student.
The yogi smiled and said: "No, tonight we are going to sleep in a hotel and eat there too".
The student was amazed. "How?"
"Come and sit down", said the yogi.
They both sat down on the ground and the yogi said:
"When you focus your mind intently on any subject, it comes to pass."
The yogi closed his eyes and started to meditate with full concentration. After about ten minutes he got up and started to walk, with his disciple following him. They walked through several streets and alleys, until they arrived to a hotel.
"Come, let's enter inside", the yogi said to his disciple.
They just set foot in the entrance, when a well-dressed man approached them.
"I am the manager of this hotel. You look like traveling swamis and I believe you have no money. Would you like to work in the kitchen, and in return I'll give you food and a place to stay?"
"Fine", responded the yogi.
The disciple was perplexed and asked the yogi: "Did you use any magic? How did you do that?"
The yogi smiled and said, "I wanted to show you how the power of thoughts works. When you think with full and strong concentration about something that you want to happen, and your mind does not resist the subject of your thought, your thought materializes."
"The secret is concentrating, visualizing, seeing details, having faith and projecting mental and emotional energy into the mental scene. These are the general prerequisites. When your mind is empty from thoughts, and only one single thought is allowed to enter, it gains a very great power. One should be very careful with what he thinks. A concentrated thought is powerful, and exerts a very strong influence."
The disciple looked at his teacher and said: "I see that I have to sharpen my concentration in order to be able to use this power."
"Yes, this is the first step", responded the yogi.
Meditation & Spiritual Strength
All mental worries arise from lack of Spiritual Strength !
Spiritual Strength is obtained only in Intense Meditation !
Meditation is the only way to remove all mental worries !
Meditation is the only way to get rid of Physical afflictions !
-- Subhash Patri
2012 Unlimited philosophy
2. The Mayan civilization of Central America was and is the most advanced in relation to time-science knowledge. Their main calendar is the most accurate on the planet. It has never erred. They actually have 22 calendars in total, covering the many timing cycles in the Universe and Solar System. Some of these calendars are yet to be revealed.
3. The Mayan fifth world finished in 1987. The sixth world starts in 2012. So we are currently "between worlds". This time is called the "Apocalypse" or revealing. This means the real truth will be revealed. It is also the time for us to work through "our stuff" individually and collectively.
4. The Mayan sixth world is actually blank. This means it is up to us, as co-creators, to start creating the new world and civilization we want now.
5. The Mayans also say that by 2012-
- we will have gone beyond technology as we know it.
- we will have gone beyond time and money.
- we will have entered the fifth dimension after passing through the fourth dimension
- Planet Earth and the Solar System will come into galactic synchronization with the rest of the Universe.
- Our DNA will be "upgraded" (or reprogrammed) from the centre of our galaxy. (Hunab Ku)
"Everbody on this planet is mutating. Some are more conscious of it than others. But everyone is doing it" - Extraterrestrial Earth Mission.
6. In 2012 the plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This cycle has taken 26,000 years to complete. Virgil Armstrong also says that two other galaxies will line up with ours at the same time. A cosmic event!
7. Time is actually speeding up (or collapsing). For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, The military have used this as a very reliable reference. However, since 1980 this resonance has been slowly rising. It is now over 12 cycles per second! This mean there is the equalivant of less than 16 hours per day instead of the old 24 hours. Another intrepetation is - we, or rather Consciousness have been down this same road seven times before over the last 16 billion years. Each of these cycles of Creation runs 20 times faster than the last one. The same amount of Creation is paced 20 times tighter. This is why time seems to be going so fast. It is not "time" but Creation itself that is accelerating. (see Mayan Calendar Central)
8. During the Apocalypse or the time "between worlds" many people will be going through many personal changes. The changes will be many and varied. It is all part of what we came here to learn or experience. Examples of change could be- relationships coming to an end, change of residence or location, change of job or work, shift in attitude or thinking etc.
9. Remember, in any given moment we are making small and large decisions. Each decision is based on LOVE or FEAR. Choose love, follow your intuition, not intellect and follow your passion or "burning inner desire." Go with the flow.
10. Thought forms are very important and affect our everyday life. We create our reality with thought forms. If we think negative thoughts of others this is what we attract. If we think positive thoughts we will attract positive people and events. So be aware of your thoughts and eliminate the unnecessary negative or judgemental ones.
11. Be aware that most of the media is controlled by just a few. Use discernment! Look for the hidden agendas. Why is this information being presented to you? What is "their" real agenda? Is it a case of problem¬reaction¬solution? Do "they" create a problem so that "we" react and ask for a fix, then "they" offer their solution? The "solution is what "they" really wanted in the first place.
12. Remember almost nothing happens by accident. Almost all "events" are planned by some agency or other. Despite this, it is a very exciting time to be alive!
The truth shall set you free!
constantly remember that you are not here in life to become a
commodity. You are not here to become a utility--that is below
dignity. You are not here just to become more and more efficient--
you are here to become more and more alive; you are here to become
more and more intelligent; you are here to become more and more
happy, ecstatically happy.
Lao Tzu was traveling with his disciples and they came to a forest
where hundreds of carpenters were cutting trees, because a great
palace was being built.
Almost the whole forest had been cut, but one tree was standing
there, a big tree with thousands of branches--so big that ten
thousand persons could sit under its shade. Lao Tzu asked his
disciples to go and inquire why this tree had not been cut yet, when
the whole forest had been cut and was deserted.
The disciples went and they asked the carpenters, "Why have you not
cut this tree?"
The carpenters said, "This tree is absolutely useless. You cannot
make anything out of it because every branch has so many knots in
it. Nothing is straight. You cannot make pillars out of it, you
cannot make furniture out of it. You cannot use it as fuel because
the smoke is so dangerous to the eyes--you almost go blind. This
tree is absolutely useless. That's why."
They came back. Lao Tzu laughed and he said, "Be like this tree. If
you want to survive in this world be like this tree--absolutely
useless. Then nobody will harm you. If you are straight you will be
cut, you will become furniture in somebody's house. If you are
beautiful you will be sold in the market, you will become a
commodity. Be like this tree, absolutely useless. Then nobody can
harm you. And you will grow big and vast, and thousands of people
can find shade under you."
Lao Tzu has a logic altogether different from your mind. He says: Be
the last. Move in the world as if you are not. Remain unknown. Don't
try to be the first, don't be competitive, don't try to prove your
worth. There is no need. Remain useless and enjoy.
Of course he is impractical. But if you understand him you will find
that he is the most practical on a deeper layer, in the depth--
because life is to enjoy and celebrate, life is not to become a
utility. Life is more like poetry than like a commodity in the
market; it should be like poetry, a song, a dance.
Lao Tzu says: If you try to be very clever, if you try to be very
useful, you will be used. If you try to be very practical, somewhere
or other you will be harnessed, because the world cannot leave the
practical man alone. Lao Tzu says: Drop all these ideas. If you want
to be a poem, an ecstasy, then forget about utility. Remain true to
Sufism Quotes>>>
'You owe me.'
Look what happens with a love like that.
It lights up the whole sky."
"I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God".
Sufi Proverb
IF words come out of the heart, they will enter the heart, but if they come from the tongue, they will not pass beyond the ears.
Al-Suhrawardi (Essential Sufism)
Pray for what you want, but work for the things you need.
Modern Traditional (Essential Sufism)
Beyond our ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase 'each other'
doesn't make sense any more.
Jelaluddin Rumi
in Coleman Barks The Essential Rumi (Haper San Franscisco, 1995,) p. 36
The Thing we tell of can never be found by seekin
From "An Ascension Handbook" by Tony Stubbs
Your physical body exists in the 3rd dimension - it is matter-based. The 4th dimension is the astral plane - it is emotion-based. Together these two make up what we call the Lower Creation World. These are the dimensions where the game of separation is carried out. Only in these dimensions can the illusion of good and evil be maintained -and can You feel separated from Spirit and from each other. You've all became quite good at doing that. Its been a very successful game of separation but it is time for it to end. So, this planet is in a state of ascension. It is now vibrating at the very top Of the astral plane, right on the dividing line with the 5th dimension - the Lightbody dimension. As part of the ascension process, these dimensions will be 'rolled up into the higher dimensions and will cease to exist.
The 5th through the 9th dimensions make up the Mid-Creation Realm.
The 5th is the Lightbody dimension in which you are aware of yourself as a Master and a multidimensional being. In the 5th dimension, you are completely spiritually oriented. Many of You have came in from this plane to be Lightworkers.
6th dimension holds the templates for the DNA patterns of all types of species' creation, including humankind. It is also where the Light languages are stored and is made up mostly of colour and tone.. It is the dimension where consciousness creates through thought and one of the places where you work during sleep. It can be difficult to get a bead on this because 1 you are not in a body unless you choose to create one. Men you are operating 6th-dimensionally, you are more of an alive thought. You create through your. consciousness, but you don't necessarily have a vehicle for that consciousness.
The 7th dimension is that of pure creativity, pure light, pure tone. pure geometry, and pure expression. It is a plane of infinite refinement.
The 8th dimension is of group mind or group soul and where you would touch base with the vaster part of who you are. It is characterized by loss of sense of the "I". When You travel multi-dimensionally, it is this plane where you have most trouble keeping Your consciouness together because you are pure "we" operating with group goals. So, it may seem as though you have gone to sleep or, blanked out., (Ah-ha!)
The 9th dimension in the model that we use is the plane of the collective consciousness of planets, star systems, galaxies, and dimensions. Once again, it is very difficult to get a sense of "I" because you are so vast that everything is "you". Imagine being the consciousness of a galaxy. Every life-form, every star, - planet, and group mind of every species in it is you. If you visit this dimension, it can be difficult to remain conscious.
The 10th through 12th dimensions make up the Upper Creation Realm.
The 10th dimension is the source of the Rays, home of what are called the Elohim. This is where Light is differentiated and is the source of plans of creation which are sent to the MidCreation levels. You can have a sense of "I" at this level but it won't be what you are used to here.
The llth dimension is that of pre-formed Light, the point before creation and a state of exquisite expectancy just like the moment before a sneeze or an orgasm. It is the realm of the being known as Metatron, and of Archangels and the Higher Akashic for this Source-system. There are planetary Akashic records and galactic Akashics as well as the Akashic for an entire Source-system. You are in one Source-system of many. So, we are giving you a description of one Source-system only - this one. If you go to another Source-system, what you will experience will be different. As an Archangel, my home base is the 11th dimension. We come to you as messengers, that is what "Archangel" mans. It is one of my functions, I have many. I have an Elohim function which is not very verbal. We have many, many jobs.
The 12th dimension is the One Point where all consciousness knows itself to be utterly one with All That Is. There is no separation of any kind. If you tap into this level, you know yourself to be completely one with All That Is, with the creator force. If you tap in there, you will never be the same again because you cannot sustain the same degree of separation if you have experienced complete unity.
Spirit creates the illusion of separation up to the 7th dimension. At higher frequencies, distinctions become completely meaningless, and all is Spirit. A definite frequency band exists in all these levels which acts as a unifying medium, a common frequency. Just like the public channel on CB radio, except that you don't just talk on it, but you are part of it. If you match your consciousness to the frequency of this Unity Band, you experience complete unity with all that is. It is also known as the Christed Band and emanates from the Christed level. It throws off sub-harmonics into all the lower frequency planes. The energy in the Christed level is your energy. It is the level at which you existed as a Christed Being, above all separateness.
Seven Surefire Ways to Increase Your Brain Power
brain. it will increase the blood flow and gives
oxygen to brain. Promotes growth of new brain cells.
2. Spending time in Day light. --1500 wavelengths
comes through our eyes and activates brain. When
living in poorly ventilated places, come outside and
do exercise.
3.good sleep--Sleep before 9pm or 10pm. it'll
optimises brian function. Sleep in between 6-8 hours.
4. stay away from processed foods. organic food. fresh
food. raw food. some chemicals not good for brain and
5. 60% of brain composed of fat. Right intake of fat
6. keep your brain active. brain needs mental
exercise. memory games, puzzles helps you.
7. creative and visualization techniques for
Learning/memory/motivation will improve brian power.
Don't focus on your weaknesses, or problems or
negative things. Whatever you are focusing that will
grow. This is the nature's law. So, we focus on only
best things.
For the video, goto the below link
Lady Agape and Lady Rize through Karen Danrich, Mila Sinoski
There appears to be so much confusion in the current metaphysical movement about ascension and ascended masters. Lady Agape and Lady Rize wish to shed some light on these matters. Lady Agape has recently been anchored on Earth and is overseeing the evolution all of species on Earth at this time, including the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms along with conscious species such as humanity and the dolphin and whale kingdoms. Lady Rize is an 800th-dimensional being who oversees the evolution of all aspects of creation.
Both Lady Agape and Lady Rize have a vast understanding of evolution and the process known as ascension. For more information about these two beings, please see the full-length articles Introducing Lord and Lady Rize and the Order of Rize and The Star Altieryn on our website.
Ascension is the process in which the soul and form become one vessel, thus ceasing the need for the form altogether, i.e., the form moves into the non-physical realms along with the soul. It is through the process of ascension that all souls along with their creation known as form eventually returns to the source or God/Goddess/All That Is.
In most creations within your ovum of 4000 dimensions, there is no form below the 25th dimension. As such, form generally speaking is an etheric manifestation of soul for the purposes of the soul's desire to experiment, learn, grow, and evolve. As soul learns all it needs to understand from a particular form, it ascends the form back unto itself, and the form ceases to exist.
On Earth and in the lower dimensions of your creation, form has become physical and separated from soul to such an extent that there is little communication between soul and the body. Ascending a form that is so dense is a more difficult task than within those creations that knows only an etheric form.
At one time, ascension was prevalent on Earth. This was a time shortly following the seeding of the human species on Earth by the Sirian Race some 200,000 years ago. When humanity was first seeded on Earth, there were two classes of humans brought forth, a spiritual elite known as the Mahavishnu and a worker class known as the Bodhisattva. The Mahavishnu had a head three times the size of the Bodhisattva model, making possible a conscious understanding of many planes of reality that the Bodhisattva could not understand. Such a level of awareness was utilized to keep peace on Earth and maintain harmony within human civilization.
The term "Mahavishnu" is related to the plane of Vishnu. The plane of Vishnu is an etheric plane surrounding the Earth Mother. It is on the plane of Vishnu that God/Goddess/All That Is of your creation projects its will on Earth, or stated in another term, projects its vision for humanity. It was the role of the Mahavishnu to tune into the plane of Vishnu and govern human civilization in accordance with the Divine Plan and Divine Will of God/Goddess/All That Is.
It was the Mahavishnu who were privileged to ascend rather than cease to exist or die at the end of their given lifetime. Often the reign of such a being would carry over many hundreds of years or longer, and when the reign was complete, the next in line would inherit the job, and the Mahavishnu would complete its ascension within a few decades.
The Mahavishnu had a body with 15,000 strands of DNA. This DNA comprised a special structure, nervous system, a brain cavity three times larger than your current human form, and circuitry long lost in human history on Earth. In ascension, the Mahavishnu, which began with 15,000 strands of DNA, modified his or her form with an additional 25,000 strands of DNA to complete the ascension. In a complete biological ascension, the form of the Mahavishnu ended up with a semi-transparent appearance (semi-etheric form), and the soul and form became "one," allowing the form to move into the etheric realms along with the soul.
In the early reign of the Mahavishnu, there was no genetic pathway to bring those who were Bodhisattva in form (which only had 5,000 strands of DNA) through a complete ascension. It was the role of the Mahavishnu to assist other humans of less genetic material in ascension so that the evolution of humanity would be guaranteed. The great pyramids were built to assist those with less genetic material to transit from 5,000 to 15,000 strands of DNA and then on to 40,000 strands of DNA and a complete ascension. This form of ascension took many hundreds of years to complete. This form of ascension also existed upon Earth for some 50,000 years.
Some 150,000 years ago, the reign of the Mahavishnu ended. All Mahavishnu died over a 15,000 year period, the cause of which will be written about in more detail in the articles coming forth this winter through our channel. As a result, the spiritual leadership and governance on Earth was lost, and humanity turned to barbarism, warring, thievery, and rape on one another. Over time, the process of ascension was lost too along with all of the genetic archives that would allow for such an experience in physicality.
A being known as Rama incarnated on Earth some 30,000 years ago with the soul goal of restoring ascension. Rama completed a biological ascension, but not one of his disciples followed. Again, some 8,500 years ago, yet another being known as Buddha came in with the same soul goal. Buddha also completed a biological ascension, and again, none of his disciples followed. Buddha is the last known biological ascension contained within the genetic archives of the human species on Earth.
Over the past 8,500 years of human history, some beings developed a form of ascension that would allow them to complete certain spiritual initiations without biologically ascending the form but rather casting the form off (dying). The Order of Rize views this as a major distortion in the process known as ascension. Ascension is about the form and soul becoming one, not the soul separating from the form to complete its spiritual journey.
When the genetic information has been reviewed for certain "Masters" who have been revered on Earth, it has been discovered that these beings actually never completed a biological ascension in their lifetime on Earth. Such beings include Djwal Kuhl, the Master Hilarion, Serapis Bey, Saint Germain, Paul the Venetian, Sanat Kumara, and many others who have coined themselves "Ascended Masters." There are also many recent incarnations of various Masters in the East who have also ascended in this manner but had not accomplished a complete biological ascension, Yogananda and Babaji being two examples.
Per the genetic archives reviewed by the Order of Rize, no ascensions have occurred on Earth since Buddha some 8,500 years ago. As far as the Order of Rize is concerned, casting a body off or allowing it to die is a form of an "Incomplete Ascension" and is not a valid form of ascension. The acceptance of incomplete ascension in lieu of a real biological ascension as a form of spiritual mastery is a reflection of the level of distortion that the human species lives with on Earth.
In an incomplete ascension, not all of the karma can be processed. Why is this so? Karma is biological and held within the genetic fabric of the form. If the form is not ascended, the biological karma goes unreleased. If karma goes unreleased, the soul may have skipped certain lessons necessary to evolve or understand love. If lessons go unlearned and steps are skipped, it leads to a greater and greater level of distortion in evolution over time.
There have been many attempts since Buddha to restore ascension to Earth. One such attempt came in the form of Lao Tzu. When the Order of Rize reviewed Lao Tzu's genetic archives from his respective lifetime, it was discovered that he had actually ascended his form to 15,000 strands of DNA. Unfortunately, the information to take the form through another 25,000 strands and into the etheric was missing from Earth, and he was unable to go any further.
Quan Yin and Confucius ascended their respective forms from two strands of DNA to 5,000 strands and each attained the state of the Bodhisattva. Again, each was unable to go any further. As a matter of fact, there are countless individuals (most of whom are unknown) over your past 5,000 years of human history who have attained Bodhisattva in their personal evolution but could go no further. One other recent individual who modified her form in this manner was Mother Theresa.
Jesus also came to attain a complete biological ascension. Jesus was born with twelve strands of DNA, and based on the genetic review of his lifetime by the Order of Rize, he had only embodied another twelve strands (completed his 24th initiation) at the time he was crucified. The original blueprint for the life of Jesus could have taken him to Egypt where he was to meet with eleven others from different nationalities who had agreed to ascend together. Had they accomplished this goal, the karma for the entire human species would have been lifted, and the past 2,000 years of human history would have been entirely different. The process of ascension would also have been restored in the human genetic memory.
Each of these beings came to Earth to repair the process of ascension in preparation for Earth's global ascension. Each failed in completing their mission. Why is ascension so difficult on Earth?
Well, there are many reasons for this. Our channels, Mila and Rama, have spent the past decade modifying their forms and now embody 15,000 strands of DNA. Additionally, there are many who have come to study with them who are following suit. Through their experiences, the many difficulties within ascension can be seen more clearly.
Within your current genetic structure of only two strands of DNA, most of the form has decayed. Decay is the result of molecules that have ceased to vibrate. If enough molecules cease to vibrate in a given part of the form, the cells die. If enough cells die, illness, aging or death result. Humanity lives in a world based upon decay, illness, aging and death, and reincarnation.
All children are born with 1015 per cent of their molecular structure already decayed. This is a genetic characteristic at birth. The average adult at thirty years of age is 4055 per cent decayed. By the time the adult turns fifty, the decay level exceeds the number of healthy cells within the form (6080 per cent). There are many emotional and karmic reasons for the level of decay experienced in the current human form upon Earth. (See Attaining a 25th-Dimensional Awareness.) This decay leads to a form whose molecular structure is only partially vibrating, which is why the third dimension is so "dense." Molecules that do not vibrate within form lead to greater and greater density.
In biological ascension, every molecule must vibrate. As the molecular vibration increases due to the firing of the kundalini energy system, the form can move from the third to the fourth and then to the fifth dimension. Then, if the molecules slow in vibration, the form can return from the fifth to the third dimension. This requires that all molecules vibrate, which requires all decay to be reversed, and all molecules that have ceased to vibrate to be resurrected. The current human dilemma with ascension is that such a large portion of the molecular structure has ceased to vibrate. To resurrect the form so that all molecules again vibrate, a pathway for such an experience had to be cut. It was the role of Mila and Rama (our channels) along with many others to cut such a pathway so that others may follow.
It appears to require embodying a minimum of 15,000 strands of DNA to reverse all decay within a human form. Then ascension towards another dimension can begin. It is as if the human form starts their ascension in reverse, and before it can even think of moving into first gear, the form must be resurrected. The resurrection of the form occurs a little at a time over a many year period. Our channels have documented this process based on their own experience in the many articles they have written and published on their website.
As for those "Ascended Masters" who did not complete a biological ascension within their respective lifetimes, Lord and Lady Agape are asking such souls to reincarnate and ascend a form in physicality. In such a manner, these beings can become true "Ascended Masters" and release all karma in their respective spiritual initiation process. As for the completion of a real physical ascension, it is anticipated that there is another four years worth of work and another 25,000 strands of DNA and related karma for our channels to embody and process. As far as our channels are concerned, there is no other reason to exist.
There are many in human form who are also embarking upon the journey of ascension. Approximately thirty per cent of the world populace is beginning their journey from twelve strands to 1,024 strands of DNA, which is the first phase of resurrection in ascension. Lady Agape and Lady Rize further estimate that there are another 5,000 globally embarking upon attaining the state of the Bodhisattva or embodying 5,000 strands of DNA, which is the second phase of resurrection. In addition to this, there are only a handful of humans who have already attained Bodhisattva who are now embarking upon the journey to the state of the Mahavishnu. These are the path cutters who will cut the path for ascension so that the multitudes can follow.
Most of these individuals are unknown and living a seemingly inconsequential life. The reason for this is that spiritual ascension requires the surrender of one's ego and ego-based desires. Such a feat is difficult to accomplish if one has attained wealth, fame or fortune on the physical plane. For this reason, most of the new spiritual governance will come from the background of the current human experience and will step forward only after they have mastered their own initiations and ascension in the physical.
We hope you found this information useful for your personal path of ascension. For those of you undergoing this process at this time, we thank you for your diligence to your path. We love you and support you every step of the way. Namaste.
Some thoughts on Ascension and Ascended Masters
When humanity was first seeded on Earth, there were two classes of humans brought forth, a spiritual elite known as the Mahavishnu and a worker class known as the Bodhisattva. The Mahavishnu had a head three times the size of the Bodhisattva model, making possible a conscious understanding of many planes of reality that the Bodhisattva could not understand. Such a level of awareness was utilized to keep peace on Earth and maintain harmony within human civilization.
The term "Mahavishnu" is related to the plane of Vishnu. The plane of Vishnu is an etheric plane surrounding the Earth Mother. It is on the plane of Vishnu that God/Goddess/All That Is of your creation projects its will on Earth, or stated in another term, projects its vision for humanity. It was the role of the Mahavishnu to tune into the plane of Vishnu and govern human civilization in accordance with the Divine Plan and Divine Will of God/Goddess/All That Is.
It was the role of the Mahavishnu to assist other humans of less genetic material in ascension so that the evolution of humanity would be guaranteed. The great pyramids were built to assist those with less genetic material
A being known as Rama incarnated on Earth some 30,000 years ago with the sole goal of restoring ascension. Rama completed a biological ascension, but not one of his disciples followed. Again, some 8,500 years ago, yet another being known as Buddha came in with the same sole goal. Buddha also completed a biological ascension, and again, none of his disciples followed. Buddha is the last known biological ascension contained within the genetic archives of the human species on Earth.
When the genetic information has been reviewed for certain "Masters" who have been revered on Earth, it has been discovered that these beings actually never completed a biological ascension in their lifetime on Earth. Such beings include Djwal Kuhl, the Master Hilarion, Serapis Bey, Saint Germain, Paul the Venetian, Sanat Kumara, and many others who have coined themselves "Ascended Masters." There are also many recent incarnations of various Masters in the East who have also ascended in this manner but had not accomplished a complete biological ascension, Yogananda and Babaji being two examples
There have been many attempts since Buddha to restore ascension to Earth. One such attempt came in the form of Lao Tzu. When the Order of Rize reviewed Lao Tzu's genetic archives from his respective lifetime, it was discovered that he had actually ascended his form to 15,000 strands of DNA. Unfortunately, the information to take the form through another 25,000 strands and into the etheric was missing from Earth, and he was unable to go any further.
Quan Yin and Confucius ascended their respective forms from two strands of DNA to 5,000 strands and each attained the state of the Bodhisattva. Again, each was unable to go any further. As a matter of fact, there are countless individuals (most of whom are unknown) over your past 5,000 years of human history who have attained Bodhisattva in their personal evolution but could go no further. One other recent individual who modified her form in this manner was Mother Theresa.
Jesus also came to attain a complete biological ascension. Jesus was born with twelve strands of DNA, and based on the genetic review of his lifetime by the Order of Rize, he had only embodied another twelve strands (completed his 24th initiation) at the time he was crucified. The original blueprint for the life of Jesus could have taken him to Egypt where he was to meet with eleven others from different nationalities who had agreed to ascend together. Had they accomplished this goal, the karma for the entire human species would have been lifted, and the past 2,000 years of human history would have been entirely different. The process of ascension would also have been restored in the human genetic memory.
Each of these beings came to Earth to repair the process of ascension in preparation for Earth's global ascension. Each failed in completing their mission. Why is ascension so difficult on Earth?
Why we need meditation today?
We need today's meditation to be happy today!
We need today's meditation to conduct today's business properly !
We need today's meditation, to be able to tackle today's problems successfully. -Patriji
Pure Awareness
is pure awareness
Witnessing is a key word for all meditators.
Witness that you are not the body...
Witness that you are not the mind...
Witness that you are only a witness.
penetrate to the center - Osho
Become silent. Close your eyes.
No movement, as if you are just a stone statue.
Now, go in ... deeper and deeper.
Fearlessly, penetrate like an arrow, to the very center of your being ...
Remember that you are only a watcher.
You are neither the body nor the mind,
but only a mirror reflecting,
without any judgment,
a pure reflection of the moon in the lake.
The Woman In Your Life
To all the girls who read this……….. An excellent forward……please read fully..... and forward to the boys you know……….
This is a beautiful article:
T he woman in your life...very well expressed... Tomorrow you may get a working woman, but you should marry her with these facts as well.
Here is a girl, who is as much educated as you are;
Who is earning almost as much as you do;
One, who has dreams and aspirations just as
you have because she is as human as you are;
One, who has never entered the kitchen in her life just like you or your
Sister haven't, as she was busy in studies and competing in a system
that gives no special concession to girls for their culinary achievements
One, who has lived and loved her parents & brothers & sisters, almost as
much as you do for 20-25 years of her life;
One, who has bravely agreed to leave behind all that, her home, people who love her, to adopt your home, your family, your ways and even your family ,name
One, who is somehow expected to be a master-chef from day #1, while you sleep oblivious to her predicament in her new circumstances, environment and that kitchen
One, who is expected to make the tea, first thing in the morning and cook
food at the end of the day, even if she is as tired as you are, maybe more,
and yet never ever expected to complain; to be a servant, a cook, a mother,
a wife, even if she doesn't want to; and is learning just like you are as
to what you want from her; and is clumsy and sloppy at times and knows that you won't like it if she is too demanding, or if she learns faster than you;
One, who has her own set of friends, and that includes boys and even men at her workplace too, those, who she knows from school days and yet is willing to put all that on the back-burners to avoid your irrational jealousy, unnecessary competition and your inherent insecurities;
Yes, she can drink and dance just as well as you can, but won't, simply
Because you won't like it, even though you say otherwise
One, who can be late from work once in a while whendeadlines, just like yours, are to be met;
One, who is doing her level best and wants to make this most important,
relationship in her entire life a grand success, if you just help her some
and trust her;
One, who just wants one thing from you, as you are the only one she knows in your entire house - your unstinted support, your sensitivities and most importantly - your understanding, or love, if you may call it.
But not many guys understand this......
Please appreciate "HER"