Please follow the steps mentioned below with example,
1. Just see any thoughts are coming.
- Mind is thinkng (How come that guy can say something...)
2. Once you realize you are thinking. Stop thinking.
3. Now see what you were thinking.
4. Leave the emotion and repeat the thoughts again with alteast 3 sec gap between every thougthts.
- Now you think again like a school boy very slowly ( How -[3sec]-come-[3sec]-that-[3 sec]-guy-[3 sec]-can-[3 sec]-say-[3 sec]-something
5. Now witness the present moment may be sound, air around, any active things or just be in silent. If you realize, you are thinking, again start from first step.
Every compulsive thought pattern have unidentified emotion at background, which actually drawn that event in past. Thoughts are food for emtions. Breaking the thoughts cutts down the food to emotions. So we will be free from emotions.
By doing this, we will see the breath will go sweet and soft and it will restore the etheric body. We feel fresh and happy. Soon, within 10 to 20 mininutes all our thought patterns will vanish, we will be in thoughtless state completely.
By doing this, we will see, we were able to think without mind.
Try this and have fun.